Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/839

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[72 Stat. 797]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 797]

72 S T A T. ]


SEC. 1101. The Administrator shall, by rules and regulations, or by order where necessary, require all persons to give adequate public notice, in the form and manner prescribed by the Administrator, of the construction or alteration, or of the proposed construction or alteration, of any structure where notice will promote safety in air commerce. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS

SEC. 1102. I n exercising and performing their powers and duties under this Act, the Board and the Administrator shall do so consistently with any obligation assumed by the United States in any treaty, convention, or agreement that may be in force between the United States and any foreign country or foreign countries, and shall take into consideration any applicable laws and requirements of foreign countries and the Board shall not, in exercising and performing its powers and duties with respect to certificates of convenience and necessity, restrict compliance by any air carrier with any obligation, duty, or liability imposed by any foreign country: Provided, That this section shall not apply to any obligation, duty, or liability arising out of a contract or other agreement, heretofore or hereafter entered into between an air carrier, or any oflScer or representative thereof, and any foreign country, if such contract or agreement is disapproved by the Board as being contrary to the public interest. NATURE AND U S E OF DOCUMENTS FILED

SEC. 1103. The copies of tariffs and of all contracts, agreements, understandings, and arrangements filed with the Board as herein provided, and the statistics, tables, and figures contained in the annual or other reports of air carriers and other persons made to the Board as required under the provisions of this Act shall be preserved as public records (except as otherwise provided in this Act) in the custody of the secretary of the Board, and shall be received as prima facie evidence of what they purport to be for the purpose of investigations by the Board and in all judicial proceedings; and copies of, and extracts from, any of such tariffs, contracts, agreements, understandings, arrangements, or reports, certified by the secretary of the Board, under the seal of the Board, shall be received in evidence with like effect as the originals. WITHHOLDING or


SEC. 1104. Any person may make written objection to the public disclosure of information contained in any application, report, or document filed pursuant to the provisions of this Act or of information obtained by the Board or the Administrator, pursuant to the provisions of this Act, stating the grounds for such objection. Whenever such objection is made, the Board or Administrator shall order such information withheld from public disclosure when, in their judgment, a disclosure of such information would adversely affect the interests of such person and is not required in the interest of the public. The Board or Administrator shall be responsible for classified information in accordance with appropriate law: Provided, That nothing in this section shall authorize the withholding of information by the Board or Administrator from the duly authorized committees of the Congress.