Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 2.djvu/247

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[72 Stat. A5]
PRIVATE LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. A5]

72 S T A T. ]



of 10 per centum thereof" and in lieu thereof insert: "Not more than 10 per centum of any payment provided for by this Act; and On page 5, line 4, strike out "this claim" and in lieu thereof insert "the claim for which such payment is made". Agreed to February 24, 1958. March 6, 1958


Resolved by the House of Representatives {the Senate concurling), That the rotunda of the United States Capitol may be used from May capitoi rotunda. 28, 1958, through May 30, 1958, both dates inclusive, for the remains known Americans. of the unknown American of the Second World W a r and of the unknown American of the Korean conflict to lie in state, and for appropriate proceedings and ceremonies in connection therewith. P a s s e d March 6, 1958. March 6. 1958


[H. Con. iJes. 246]

Resolved by the House of Representatives {the Senate coneurring), That there be printed for the use of the Committee on Ways and ^i^iP';^JJ^,°l ^'^**^" Means, House of Representatives, two thousand additional copies of tional copies. the compendium of papers entitled "Foreign Trade Policy—Compendium of Papers on United States Foreign Trade Policy Collected by the Staff for the Subcommittee on Foreign Trade Policy of the Committee on Ways and Means". P a s s e d March 6, 1958. March 14, 1958


Whereas the Congress of the United States has recognized the vital educational and cultural role of libraries in the United States by the enactment of the Library Services Act, approved June 19, 1956; and Whereas the Library Services Act is now in operation in forty-three of the forty-eight States as a means of finding ways of bringing adequate public library service to some twenty-seven million Americans, largely in rural areas, hitherto without such service or with totally inadequate service; and Whereas State and local governments, professional associations, and citizen's groups recognize that much remains to be done to improve the availability of the full resources of the printed word to all of our people for education, self-improvement, cultural advancement, and fulfilling the responsibilities of citizens in a democracy; and Whereas the National Book Committee and the American Library Association, in cooperation with numerous other citizens' organizations, business and professional groups, and voluntary associations, have designated the week of March 16-22, 1958, as the first National Library Week; and Whereas National Library Week will increase support for libraries from the highest levels of leadership in the civic, economic, professional, and cultural life of the United States; will expose the need for the extension and improvement of school and public library services; will offer opportunities for librarians to work more closely with newspaper, magazine, and advertising executives in broadening the use of printed materials; will attract wider public attention to library services through features in national media; and will promote prestige for reading itself by showing the vital role the printed

[H. Con. Res. 226]