Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 2.djvu/252

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[72 Stat. A10]
PRIVATE LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. A10]



[72 S T A T.

and for other purposes, the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to make the following correction: In the sixth line of the salary schedule in section (\ (a)(8) strike out "8,955" and insert in lieu thereof "8,755". Agreed to June 17, 1958. June 24, 1958

[H. Con. Res. 343]


Whereas the revolt of the Hungarian people in 1956 against Soviet control was acclaimed by freedom loving people throughout the world; and Whereas the suppression of the Hungarian revolt of 1956 by the armed forces of the Soviet Union was condemned by the General Assembly of the United Nations; and Whereas the leader of the Hungarian Government and people in the unsuccessful revolt against Soviet oppression was induced to leave the sanctuary of the Yugoslavian Embassy in Budapest on promises of safe conduct and fair treatment on the part of the Hungarian Communist regime which was not in a position to take such action without the approval of the Soviet Union; and "\Yhereas these promises were treacherously ignored by Soviet forces and Imre Nagy was seized and held incommunicado; and Whereas the Soviet imposed Communist regime of Hungary has nowannounced that Imre Nagy, together with his colleagues Miklos Gimes, P a l Maleter, and Jozsef Szilagyi have been tried and executed in secret; and Whereas this brutal political reprisal shocks the conscience of decent mankind: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives {the Senate concurring)^ u)^^xpre*ssion That It is the sense of the Congress of the United States that the of sympathy. President of the United States express through the organs of the United Nations and through all other appropriate channels, the deep sense of indignation of the United States at this act of barbarism and perfidy of the Government of the Soviet Union and its instrument for the suppression of the independence of Hungary, the Hungarian Communist regime; and be it further Resolved^ That it is the sense of the Congress of the United States that the President of the United States express through all appropriate channels the sympathy of the people of the United States for the people of Hungary on the occasion of this new expression of their ordeal of political oppression and terror. P a s s e d June 24, 1958. June 25, 1958

[s. Con. Res. 80]

STATUE OF CHARLES MARION RUSSELL IN STATUARY HALL Resolved by the Senate {the House of Representatives concurring)^ Charles M. Rus- That the statue of Charles Marion Russell, presented by the State of Ucce^punce. Moutaua, to be placed in the Statuary Hall collection, is accepted in the name of the United States, and that the thanks of the Congress be tendered said State for the contribution of the statue of one of its most gifted and colorful citizens, noted for his artistic skill; and be it further emor^f Month°^' R^^olvcd, That a copy of thesc resolutions, suitably engrossed and emor o on ana. ^^jy authenticated, be transmitted to the Governor of Montana. Agreed to June 25, 1958.