Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 2.djvu/323

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[72 Stat. A1]
PRIVATE LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. A1]

SUBJECT Page A Agriculture, Hall of Fame for, congressional policy for establishment Almonds, proclamation imposing a fee on imports American Education Week, 1957, proclamation American Society for Metals, sponsorship o^ World Metallurgical Congress, proclamation commending Argentina, import quota on t u n g oil Arizona, Tumacacori National Monument, enlargement, proclamation Arkansas, proclamation relating to obstruction of justice in school m a t t e r s. Armed Forces, medals and decorations, authority of retired personnel to wear

B17 cl2 c4

ell c5 c30 c8

A25, A26, A 1 5 9 - A 1 8 4

Army, Department of the: Demopolis lock and d a m project, Ala., conveyance of certain lands to heirs of former owner George N. Meredith Post 924, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S., conveyance of land a t Anniston, Ala Atomic Energy: Congressional approval of international agreement between United States and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) Printing of public hearings, etc., on "Physical research program as it relates to the field of atomic energy ". Automation Congress, Fourth International, proclamation




B13 c40

B Baseball Hall of Fame, N.Y., recognition


California, release of U.S. rights to certain property in H u m b o l d t County Cancer Control Month, 1958, proclamation Canton Island, deferral of United States coastwise laws; extension of period for establishment of shipping service, proclamation Capitol Reef National Monument, Utah, enlargement, proclamation


AIIO c29

cl9 c48

INDEX Page Chicago, 111., proclamation concerning participation in Saint Lawrence Seaway Celebration c21 Child Health Day, 1958, proclamation c34 Citizenship Day, 1958, proclamation c46 "Civil Rights—1957," printing of additional copies of hearings B11 Civil Service Act, seventy-fifth anniversary, proclamation c20 Clinical Thermometers, withdrawal of trade agreement concession on certain, proclamation c35 Clothespins, withdrawal of trade agreement concession on certain cl4 Coast and Geodetic Survey, Philippine decoration for certain member, authorized A26 Cockspur Island Lighthouse Reservation, inclusion of lands as a part of Fort Pulaski National Monument, Georgia, proclamation c52 Colorado, presentation, placement, etc., of Doctor Florence R e n a Sabin s t a t u e in U.S. Capitol r o t u n d a B15, B23 Columbia River, printing as Senate document certain materials on water resources B4 Columbus Day, 1957, proclamation c7 Commerce, Department of, deferral of coastwise laws, etc., to Canton Island, proclamation cl9 Concurrent Resolutions: Baseball Hall of Fame, Cooperstown, N.Y., recognition B22 Biographical Directory of the American Congress up to and including the Eighty-sixth Congress (1774-1960), printing authorized; additional copies B14 Charles Marion Russell s t a t u e — Acceptance; thanks of the Congress to State of M o n t a n a BIO Placement in Capitol r o t u n d a and ceremonies, authorized B11 Printing of proceedings as Senate document; distribution B11 Civil construction projects, declaration of congressional policy for accelerated programs to reduce unemployment B6 Dl