Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/1019

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[73 Stat. D49]
[73 Stat. D49]

SUBJECT INDEX California—Continued ^*** Solano County, acquisition and conveyance of certain property by United States 359 Wildlife management, appropriation for. 99 Cambodia, immigration quota, proclamation c60 Cameroons, immigration quota, proclamation c60 Cameroun, immigration quota, proclamation c60 Canada: Alaskan transportation on Canadian vessels 272 International Boundary Commission, United States, Alaska, and Canada, appropriation for 185 International Joint Commission, appropriation for 185 Treaty obligations, appropriation for_185 Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group, United States participation; report to Congress 72 Canal Zone: Appropriation for 43, 53, 207 Barro Colorado Island, appropriation for laboratory facilities, etc 106 Construction employees, annuities, appropriation for 43 General provisions. Appropriation Act. 208 Panama Canal Company— Appropriation for 53, 208 Handling of excess funds 428 Canal Zone Code. For sections affected see Tables 5 and 15 in "Laws Affected in Volume 73," preceding this Index. Cancer Control Month, 1959, proclamation c30 Cancer Institute, National, appropriation for 350 "Cannon's Procedure in the House of Representatives," printing of copies authorized 20 Canteen Service at Veterans' Installations, charge for space, authorized 258 Capitol Buildings and Grounds: Appropriation for 59, 408 Capitol Power Plant. See separate title. House office buildings— Protection, appropriation for 406 Repair, maintenance, acquisition of property for additional building, appropriation for 59, 409 Legislative garage, appropriation for_ _ 59, 409 Library buildings and grounds, appropriation for 59, 409 Protection, appropriation for 406 Senate office buildings. See Office buildings under Senate.


Capitol Buildings and Grounds—Con. •^*^* Subway transportation, appropriation for 408 Capitol Police: Appropriation for 59, 405 Capitol Police Board, appropriation for. 59, 405, 406 Detail from buildings to Capitol grounds, authority 412 Metropolitan Police, detail to Capitol grounds, appropriation for 406 Standards required 412 Capitol Power Plant: Appropriation for 409 Facilities expansion, appropriation for__ 409 Protection, appropriation for 406 Captain Anthony Meldahl Locks and Dam, designation 223 Captive Nations Week: 1959, proclamation c65 Proclamation authorized 212 Career Compensation Act of 1949, amendment, special pay, physicians and dentists, extension 13 Caribou National Forest, Idaho, processing of land applications 365 "Case Study of Incipient Monopoly in Milk Distribution," printing of additional copies B14 Catawba Indian Tribe, S.C., division of assets 592 Cemeteries. See also National Monuments and Memorials. Arlington National Cemetery, Va., transfer of certain lands for inclusion in Custis-Lee Mansion grounds— 390 Army— Appropriation for expenses 37 Maintenance of graves in commercial cemeteries, appropriation for 492 Confederate burial places, maintenance, appropriation for 492 Congressional, D.C., maintenance of portion to which United States has title, appropriation for 492 National— Burial in, revision of requirements for 547 Construction, appropriation for 164 Census, Bureau of the, appropriation for_ 52, 201 Censuses of Business, Manufactures, Mineral Industries, and Governments, additional funds for 52, 201 Ceylon, immigration quota, proclamation. c60 Chaplains, annual reports to Navy Department, elimination 288 Chicago River, 111., South Branch, certain portion declared nonnavigable 448 Chickasaw Indian Tribe, Okla., allotment of lands 420