Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/728

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[73 Stat. 690]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1959
[73 Stat. 690]


PUBLIC LAW 86-373-SEPT. 23, 1969

[73 S T A T.

for four consecutive weeks in the Federal Register; and such opportunity for comment by interested persons on me proposed agreement and exemptions shall be allowed as the Commission determines by regulation or order to be appropriate. "(2) Each proposed agreement shall include the proposed effective date of such proposed agreement or exemptions. The agreement and exemptions shall be published in the Federal Register within thirty days after signature by the Commission and the Governor, uh-tments.^"**' "^- '^^^ Commission is authorized and directed, by regulation or Exemptions. Order, to grant such exemptions from the licensing requirements contained in chapters 6, 7, and 8, and from its regulations applicable to licensees as the Commission finds necessary or appropriate to carry out any agreement entered into pursuant to subsection b. of this section. "g. The Commission is authorized and directed to cooperate with the States in the formulation of standards for protection against hazards of radiation to assure that State and Commission programs for protection against hazards of radiation will be coordinated and compatible. ti<frfccf)!^cfi.^**^*" "^' Th^re is hereby established a Federal Radiation Council, consisting of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, the Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Labor, or their designees, and such other members as shall be appointed by the President. The Council shall consult qualified scientists and experts in radiation matters, including the President of the National Academy of Sciences, the Chairman of the National Committee on Radiation Protection and Measurement, and qualified experts in the field of biology and medicine and in the field of health phvsics. The Special Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, or his designee, is authorized to attend meetings, participate in the deliberations of, and to advise the Council. The Chairman of the Council shall be designated by the President, from time to time, from among the members of the Council. The Council shall advise the President with respect to radiation matters, directly or indirectly affecting health, including guidance for all Federal agencies in the formulation of radiation standards and in the establishment and execution of programs of cooperation with States. The Council shall also perform such other functions as the President may assign to it by Executive order. Inspections. "J The Commission in carrying out its licensing and regulatory responsibilities under this Act is authorized to enter into agreements with any State, or group of States, to perform inspections or other functions on a cooperative basis as the Commission deems appropriate. The Commission is also authorized to provide training, with or without charge, to employees of, and such other assistance to, any State or political subdivision thereof or group of States as the Commission deems appropriate. Any such provision or assistance by the Commission shall take into account the additional expenses that may be incurred by a State as a consequence of the State's entering into an agreement with the Commission pursuant to subsection b. a Teem^rt"*""" *^ "J" ' ^ ® Commission, upon its own initiative after reasonable notice

and opportunity for hearing to the State with which an agreement under subsection b. has become effective, or upon request of the Governor of such State, may terminate or suspend its agreement with the State and reassert the licensing and regulatory authority vested in it under this Actj if the Commission finds that such termination or suspension is required to protect the public health and safety.