Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 74.djvu/733

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[74 Stat. 693]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1960
[74 Stat. 693]

74 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 8 6 - 6 8 2 - S E P T. 2, 1960


6301. G302. 6303. 6304. 6305.

Rules and regulations. Special arrangement in Alaska. Air star routes. Fines on aircraft carriers transporting the mails. Airmail flyer's Medal of Honor.

§ 6301. Rules and regulations The Postmaster General may make such rules, regulations and orders not inconsistent with sections 1301-1542 of title 49, or any order, rule, or regulation made by the Civil Aeronautics Board thereunder, as may be necessary for the safe and expeditious carriage of mail by aircraft. § 6302. Special arrangement in Alaska (a) When in the opinion of the Postmaster General the postal service requires the transportation of mail by aircraft in Alaska, and where transportation of mail by aircraft has not been authorized by the Civil Aeronautics Board under sections 1371-1386 of title 49, the Postmaster General, notwithstanding any other provision of law, after advertisement in accordance with law, may contract for the carriage of any class of mail by aircraft. The transportation of mail under contracts entered into under this section, is not, except for sections 1371(k) and 1386(b) of title 49 and "air transportation" as that term is defined in section 1301 of title 49, and the rates of compensation therefor may not be fixed under sections 1301-1542 of title 49. The Postmaster General shall transmit a copy of each contract made pursuant to this section to the Board at the time it is let. H e shall cancel such a contract upon the issuance by the Board of an authorization under sections 1371-1386 of title 49 to any air carrier to engage in the transportation of mail by aircraft between any of the points named in the contract. (b) An air carrier authorized by the Civil Aeronautics Board under sections 1371-1386 of title 49 to engage in the transportation of mail by aircraft in Alaska, may be required by the Postmaster General to transport, within the limits of the authorization, any class of mail. The Board shall determine and fix the rates of compensation to be paid for the transportation in accordance with the provisions of sections 1301-1542 of title 49. § 6303. Air star routes (a) The Postmaster General may contract for the transportation of any class of mail by aircraft upon star routes— (1) whenever he finds it to be in the public interest because of the nature of the terrain or the impracticability or inadequacy of surface transportation; and (2) where the cost is reasonably compatible with the service to be performed. (b) Prior to advertising for bids for the transportation of mail by aircraft under this section, the Postmaster General shall obtain from the Civil Aeronautics Board a certification that the proposed route <loos not conflict with the development of air transportation as contemplated under sections 1301-1542 of title 49. Upon receipt of a request from the Postmaster General for certification, the Board shall— (1) promptly publish in the Federal Register and send to such persons as the Board by regulation determines, a notice describing the proposed air star route; (2) thereafter afford interested persons a reasonable opportunity to submit written data, views, or arguments with or without the opportunity to present them orally;

72 Stat. 731.

P u b l i c ation in F. R.