Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 75.djvu/1117

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[75 Stat. 1077]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1961
[75 Stat. 1077]

75 STAT.]



Sl/2NEl^SWl^, SE14SW14SW14. SEy^ SWiA,Sy2Ni/2SEi/4,Sy2SEi4; sec. 16, Wy2NEi4, NWi^. WyzEYzEYzSWy^,

wy2Ey2Swi4, wy2swi4; sec, 17; sec. 18, lots 1, 2, and 3, EyaWyg, Eyg; sec. 19. lots 2, 3, and 6, NEl^, EygWya; sec. 20, Ny2. NEl4SWl^, Ny2Ny2SWi4SWi4. Ny2SEi4: sec. 21, NW14, Ny2SWl^. SEl^SWl^, SEl^; sec. 23, Ey2, Ey2Wy2, Ey2NWi4NWi4. Ny2 Ny2NWi4SWV4. Ey2Ey2SWl^SWl^; secs. 24 and 25; sec. 26, Ey2,Ey2Wy2; sec. 28, NEl^NWl^, syiNwy^, SW14, swy4 SEV * sec. 29,'sy2Ny2, sy2Ny2SEi4, sy2SEy4; sec. 31, NE14SE14, Ny2Ny2SEi4SEi4; sec. 32, N y2, E y2 NE |4 SW14, N yg SE l^, SW14 SE14; sec. 33, Ny2NWi4NEi4, Wy2;

sec. 35, Ey2wy2, sEyNwyNwy^, EY2',

sec. 36. T. 35S., R. 7E., secs. 1 and 2; sec. 3, Ey2Wy2 and Ey2 of lot 17, lots 18, 21, 22, 23 and 24, SW14SE14;

sec. 10. Ey2,Ey2wy2, Ey2wy2wy2;

secs. 11 to 14, inclusive;

sec. 15. Ey2, Eyawya, Ey2wy2wy2; sec. 22, Ey2. NW14. NygSWii, SWl^.SE^4SWl^; secs. 23 to 26. inclusive;


sec. 27. Ey2, Ey2NWl^, NEy^swy^, Ny2


sec. 34, El^; secs. 35 and 36. T. 36 S., R. 7 E., secs. 1 and 2; sec. 3. Ey2; sec. 10, Ey2 secs. 11 to 14, inclusive;

sec. 15, Ey2Ey2. Ey2wy2NEl^, Ey2Nwy4 SEy4; sec. 22, lots 1, 2, and 3. Ey2NEi4; sec. 23. lot 1. Nya. Ny2SWl^, SEi4SWi4, SE14; secs. 24 and 25; sec. 26, lots 1 to 7. inclusive, Ny2NEi4, SE14 NEy4; sec. 36, lots 2 to 7, inclusive, NEl^, NE14 NW14, NEl^NWl^NWl4, NE14SE1^. T. 33 S., R. 7y2 E., secs. 13 and 14. that portion of the S^^ lying s o u t h of the K l a m a t h Indian Reservation boundary according to GLO plats dated May 19. 1873, and February 1, 1888;