Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 75.djvu/1137

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[75 Stat. 1097]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1961
[75 Stat. 1097]

75 STAT.]

PROCLAMATION 3428—SEPT. 11, 1961


IMPOSING IMPORT RESTRICTIONS ON CERTAIN COTTON PRODUCTS By the President of the United States September 111961 [No. 3428]

of America A Proclamation

WHEREAS, pursuant to section 22 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 624), the Secretary 6 Stat. 261. 4 of Agriculture advised the President that he had reason to believe that certain cotton products produced in any stage preceding the spinning into yarn are being or are practically certain to be imported into the United States under such conditions and in such quantities as to render or tend to render ineffective, or materially interfere with, the pricesupport program and other programs or operations undertaken by the Department of Agriculture with respect to cotton or products thereof, or to reduce substantially the amount of cotton processed in the United States from cotton or products thereof with respect to which any such program or operation is being undertaken; and WHEREAS, on January 18, 1961, under the authority of the said section 22, the President requested the United States Tariff Commission to make an investigation with respect to this matter; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the said section 22, as implemented by Executive Order No. 7233 of November 23, 1935, the Tariff Commission has made such investigation and has reported to me its findings and recommendations made in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, on the basis of the investigation and report of the Tariff Commission, I find that the articles with respect to which import restrictions are hereinafter proclaimed are being or are practically certain to be imported into the United States under such conditions and in such quantities as to render or tend to render ineffective, or materially interfere with, the price-support program and other programs or operations undertaken by the Department of Agri64207 0-62—72