Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 75.djvu/312

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[75 Stat. 272]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1961
[75 Stat. 272]


PUBLIC LAW 87-125-.AUG. 3, 1961

[76 S T A T.


For expenses necessary to operate and mp.intain field offices for the collection and dissemination of information useful in the development and improvement of commerce throughout the United States and its possessions, $3,163,000. BUSINESS AND DEFENSE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION SALARIES A N D


For necessary expenses of the Business and Defense Services Administration, $4,211,800. BUREAU OF FOREIGN COMMERCE SALARIES AND EXPENSES

63 Stat. 62.

For necessary expenses of the Bureau of Foreign Commerce, including trade centers abroad; employment of aliens by contract for service abroad; rental of space, for periods not exceeding five years, and expenses of alteration, repair, or improvement; advance of funds under contracts abroad; payment of tort claims, in the manner authorized in the first paragraph of section 2672 of title 28 of the United States Code, when such claims arise in foreign countries; the purchase of commercial and trade reports and not to exceed $10,000 for representation expenses abroad; $4,900,000. PROMOTION OF INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL SALARIES AND EXPENSES

63 Stat. 62.

For necessary expenses of promotion of travel to the United States, including travel offices abroad; employment of aliens by contract for service aoroad; rental of space, for periods not exceeding five years, and expenses of alteration, repair, or improvement; advance of funds under contracts abroad; payment of tort claims, in the manner authorized in the first paragraph of section 2672 of title 28 of the United States Code, when such claims arise in foreign countries; and not to exceed $9,600 for representation expenses abroad; $2,500,000. EXPORT CONTROL

For expenses necessary for carrying out the provisions of the Exl o ^ c ' w. 2021 p o ^ Control Act of 1949, as amended, relating to export controls, »*•• including awards of compensation to informers under said Act and 67 Stat. 577. as authorized by the Act of August 13, 1953 (22 U.S.C. 401), $3,480,000 of which not to exceed $1,237,000 may be advanced to the Bureau of Customs, Treasury Department, for enforcement of the export control program, and of which not to exceed $80,400 may be advanced to the appropriation for "Salaries and expenses" under "General administration". OFFICE OF BUSINESS ECONOMICS SALARIES AND EXPENSES

For necessary expenses of the Office of Business Economics, $1,600,000.