Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 75.djvu/83

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[75 Stat. 43]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1961
[75 Stat. 43]

75 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 87-21-APR. 24, 1961

action under such section 408. The Secretary may at any time terminate an extension so granted if he finds that it should not have been granted, or that by reason of a change in circumstances the basis for such extension no longer exists, or that there has been a failure to comply with a requirement for submission of progress reports or with other conditions attached to such extension." Approved April 7, 1961.

43 T e rmir at i o n power.

Public Law 87-20 JOINT RESOLUTION To designate the first day of May of each year as Law Day, U.S.A.

April 7. 1961 [H. j. Re». 32]

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the first day of May ^^^ oay.u.s.A. of each year is hereby designated as Law Day, U.S.A. I t is set aside as a special day of celebration by the American people in appreciation of their liberties and the reaffirmation of their loyalty to the United States of America; of their rededication to the ideals of equality and justice under law in their relations with each other as well as with other nations; and for the cultivation of that respect for law that is so vital to the democratic way of life. The President of the United States is authorized and requested to thrr^ze^d'"*"°" ^"" issue a proclamation calling upon all public officials to display the flag of the United States on all government buildings on Such day and inviting the people of the United States to observe such day with suitable ceremonies and other appropriate ways, through public bodies and private organizations as well as in schools and other suitable places. Approved April 7, 1961. Public Law 87-21 AN ACT To provide for the striking of medals in commemoration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the founding of Mobile, Alabama.

April 24, 1961 ^s. 9(i0]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in commemo- TSl^^hiinliied and ration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the founding of fiftieth anniversary, Mobile, Alabama (which anniversary will be celebrated in 1961), the '"^'*Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to strike and furnish to the Mobile Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration Corporation not more than five thousand medals, one and five-sixteenths inches in diameter, of bronze or silver or both, with suitable emblems, devices, and inscriptions to be determined by the Mobile Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration Corporation subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury. The medals shall be made and delivered at such times as may be required by the Corporation, in quantities of not less than two thousand, but no medals shall be made after December 31, 1961. The medals shall be considered to be national medals within the meaning of section 3551 of the Revised Statutes. ^^ "^^ -'^sSEC. 2. (a) The Secretary of the Treasury shall cause such medals ^°®*' to be struck and furnished at not less than the estimated cost of manufacture; including labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, and over-