Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 75.djvu/87

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[75 Stat. 47]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1961
[75 Stat. 47]




PUBLIC LAW 87-27-MAY 1, 1961

" (d) Eacli alternate member clesignated under subsection (c) of this section shall be designated to serve as such by and with the advice and consent of the Senate unless at the time of his designation he holds an office in the Federal Government to which he was appointed by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. "(e) I t shall be the function of the Council to advise and assist the President, as he may request, with respect to the performance of functions in the aeronautics and space field, including the following functions: "(1) survey all significant aeronautical and space activities, including the policies, plans, programs, and accomplishments of all departments and agencies of the United States engaged in such activities; "(2) develop a comprehensive program of aeronautical and space activities to be conducted by departments and agencies of the United States; "(3) designate and fix responsibility for the direction of major aeronautical and space activities; "(4) provide for effective cooperation among all departments and agencies of the United States engaged in aeronautical and space activities, and specify, in any case in which primary responsibility for any category of aeronautical and space activities has been assigned to any department or agency, which of those activities may be carried on concurrently by other departments or agencies; and "(5) resolve ditferences arising among departments and agencies of the United States with respect to aeronautical and space activities under this Act, including differences as to whether a particular project is an aeronautical and space activity." (b) Subsection (g) of the said section 201 is hereby repealed. Approved April 25, 196L



Public Law 87-27 AN ACT To establish an effective program to alleviate conditions of substantial and persistent unemployment and underemployment in certain economically disti'essed areas.

May 1, 1961 [S. 1]

Be it enacted by the Senate amd House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may ^^^ Redevelopbe cited as the "Area Redevelopment Act". "**"* ^*=*DECLARATION OF PURPOSE

SEC. 2. The Congress declares that the maintenance of the national economy at a high level is vital to the best interests of the United States, but that some of our communities are suffering substantial and persistent unemployment and underemployment; that such unemployment and underemployment cause hardship to many individuals and their families and detract from the national welfare by wasting vital human resources; that to overcome this problem the Federal Government, in cooperation with the States, should help areas of substantial and persistent unemployment and underemployment to take effective steps in planning and financing their economic redevelopment; that Federal assistance to communities, industries, enterprises, and individuals in areas needing redevelopment should enable such areas to