Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 75.djvu/872

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[75 Stat. 832]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1961
[75 Stat. 832]


Recording annual and s i c k leave.

Effective date.

PUBLIC LAW 87-400-OCT. 5, 1961



" (D) In the case of the Metropolitan Police force, except with respect to computation of holiday pay, a biweekly rate shall be divided by the number of hours constituting the biweekly tour of duty in order to derive an hourly rate. " (E) In the case of the firefightin^ division of the Fire Department of the District of Columbia, except with respect to computation of holiday pay, the weekly or biweekly rate shall be divided by 56 or 112, as the case may be, to derive an hourly rate. " (F) I n the case of officers and members of divisions of the Fire Department of the District of Columbia other than the firefighting division, except with respect to computation of holiday pay, a biweekly rate shall be divided by the number of hours constituting the biweekly tour of duty in order to derive an hourly rate." SEC. 6. (a) For the purpose of recording annual and sick leave oil an hourly basis for officers and members of the firefighting division of the Fire Department of the District of Columbia, the workday of any workweek shall be considered to be twelve hours. (b) For the purposes of recording on an hourly basis annual and sick leave taken by officers and menibers of the firefighting division, the following formula shall be used: (1) During the day shift of ten hours, one and two-tenths hours of leave shall be charged for each hour taken. (2) During the night shift of fourteen hours, twelvefourteenths of an hour of leave shall be charged for each hour taken, calculated to the nearest fractional tenth. SEC. 7. This Act shall take effect on the first day of the first full pay period which begins at least sixty days after the date of approval of this Act. Approved October 5, 1961. Public Law 87-400

Octobers, 1961 [H. R. 9053]

National defense education l o a n s; terms. 72 Stat. 1584. 20 USC 425.

AN ACT To amend title II of the National Defense Education Act of 1958 with resipect to the periods for which loans under that title are made. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United /States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) section 205(a) of the National Defense Education Act of 1958 is amended by striking out "fiscal year" and inserting in lieu thereof "academic year or its equivalent, as determined under regulations of the Commissioner,'. (b) The amendment made by subsection (a) of this section shall not apply with respect to any academic year or equivalent period^ as determined under regulations of the Commissioner of Education, which began before July 1, 1961. Approved October 5, 1961.