Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/211

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[76 Stat. 163]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 163]

76 STAT. ]


PUBLIC LAW 87-535-JULY 13, 1962

sugar or liquid sugar produced from sugarbeets or sugarcane grown in such area. SEC. 11. Section 212 of such Act is amended by inserting after "alcohol," in clause (4) thereof the following: "including all polyhydric alcohols,". SEC. 12. A new section 213 is added and inserted immediately after section 212 of such Act as follows: "SEC. 213. (a) An import fee established as provided in subsection (b) of this section shall be paid to the United States as a condition for iiftporting into the continental United States sugar purchased pursuant to parj^graph (4) of section 202(c) of this Act. Such fee shall be paid by the person applying to the Secretary for entry and release of sugar. Such payment shall be made in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Secretary. "(b) Whenever the Secretary determines that the currently prevailing price for raw sugar for the United States market exceeds the market price which he determines, from available information, prevails for raw sugar of foreign countries which may be imported into the continental United States pursuant to paragraph (4) of section 202 (c), he shall establish an import fee in such amount as he determines from time to time will approximate the amount by which a domestic price for raw sugar, at a level that will fulfill the domestic price objective set forth in section 201, would exceed the market price for raw sugar (adjusted for freight to New York, and most-favored-nation tariff) of foreign countries which may be imported into the continental United States pursuant to paragraph (4) of section 202(c). Such fee shall be imposed on ft per pound, raw value, basis, and shall be applied uniformly to sugar purchased pursuant to paragraphs (4) and (5) of section 202(c). "(c) As a condition for importing sugar into the continental United States pursuant to paragraph (3) of section 202(c) and section 204(a) of this Act, an import fee shall be paid to the United States during the years 1962, 1963, and 1964, which fee in each such year shall be respectively 10, 20, and 30 per centum of the amount which the Secretary determines from time to time will approximate the amount by which a domestic price for raw sugar, at a level that will fulfill the domestic price objective set forth in section 201 would exceed either the prevailing marj^et price for raw su^ar (adjusted for freight to New York, and most-favored-nation tariff) of foreign countries which may be imported into the continental United States pursuant to paragraph (4) of section 202(c), or whenever paragraph (4) of section 202(c) does not apply, the prevailing world market price for raw sugar (adjusted for freight to New York, and most-favored-nation tariff). The fee provided for in this paragraph shall be imposed on a per pound, raw value, basis, and shall be applied uniformly, except that the import fee imposed on any direct-consumption sugar during the years 1962, 1963, and 1964, shall be respectively 0.1, 0.2,'and 0.3 of one cent per pound more than the import fee imposed on raw sugar under this paragraph. " (d) The funds collected as import fees by the Secretary pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts." SEC. 13. (a) Section 301(b) of such Act is amended by striking out the language "in excess of the proportionate share for the farm, as determined by the Secretary" and inserting in lieu thereof the language "in excess of the proportionate share for the farm, if farm proportionate shares are determined by the Secretary". (b) Section 302(a) of such Act is amended by striking out the language "for the farm, as determined by the Secretary," and inserting

61 Stat. 929. 7 USC 1122.

Import fee. P o s t, p. 170.

Ante, p. 159.

Ante, pp. 158, 160.

61 Stat. 923; Ante, p. 156. 7 USC 1111.

Proportionate share production. 61 Stat. 929. 7 USC 1131.

7 USC 1132.