Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/812

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[76 Stat. 764]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 764]


PUBLIC LAW 87-767-OCT. 9, 1962 Public Law 87-767

October 9, 1962 [H. J. R e s. 693]

Washington Metropolitan Area T r a n s i t Regulation Compact, amendment. 40 USC 651 note.

74 Stat. 1032, 1035, 1049.


[76 STAT.


JOINT RESOLUTION Granting the consent and approval of Congress for the State of Maryland, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the District of Columbia to amend the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Regulation Compact, and for other purposes.

Whereas the State of Maryland and the Commonwealth of Virginia have entered into a compact, known as the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Regulation Compact, hereinafter called compact, creating the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission, hereinafter called Commission; and Whereas Congress, by Public Law 86-794 (74 Stat. 1031), consented to the entry into the compact by the State of Maryland and the Commonwealth of Virginia, and authorized and directed the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia to enter into and execute the compact on behalf of the United States for the District of Columbia; and Whereas the Commission has recommended specific amendments to the compact, to wit: (1) To include'within the Washington metropolitan area transit district the Dulles International Airport and all cities which lie within the metropolitan district; (2) To exempt from the Commission's jurisdiction transportation performed by a carrier whose only transportation is bet\\'een points outside the metropolitan district and points inside the metropolitan district; (3) To clarify the Commission's jurisdiction over interstate taxicab operations; (4) To provide that the annual reports of the Commission be submitted on a fiscal year basis; and Whereas the State of Maryland and the Commonwealth of Virginia have by legislation (chapter 114, Acts of Maryland General Assembly, 1962; and chapter 67, Acts of Virginia General Assembly, 1962) adopted identical amendments to the compact, to become effective upon consent of Congress, by which article I, and sections 1 and 24 of article X II, respectively, of the compact are amended to read as follows: "ARTICLE I

"There is hereby created the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit District, hereinafter referred to as Metropolitan District, which shall embrace the District of Columbia, the cities of Alexandria and Falls Church, the counties of Arlington and Fairfax, and political subdivisions of the State of Virginia located within those counties and that portion of Loudoun County, Virginia, occupied by the Dulles International Airport and the counties of Montgomery and Prince Georges, in the State of Maryland and political subdivisions of the State of Maryland located within said counties, and all other cities now or hereafter existing in Maryland or Virginia within the geographic area bounded by the outer boundaries of the combined area of said counties, cities and airport. 'ARTICLE


"Transportation Covered " 1. (a) This Act shall apply to the transportation for hire by any carrier of persons between any points in the Metropolitan