77 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 88-19-MAY 15, 1963
"If, whether before or after filing, a debtor shall agree orally or in writing to pay money or transfer property to an attorney at law after the filing, the transaction may be examined by the court on its own motion or shall be examined by the court on petition of the bankrupt made prior to discharge and shall be held valid onlj'^ to the extent of a reasonable amount to be determined by the court, and any exce.ss obligation shall be canceled, or if excess paj'inent or transfer has been made, returned to the bankrupt." Approved May 8, 1963.
Public Law 88-18 AN ACT To aineiKl s«H-ti(»u 41()8 of title 8<s. T'uited States ('(Mle, with respect to the appointineiit of the Chief Medical l>irector of the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the Veterans' Administration.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of liemesentatl'veii of the United States of Amenca in Conp'e.ss amemhled. That section 4103(b) of title 38, Ignited States Code, is amended by inseiting immediately before the last sentence thereof the following: "Section 62 of title 5 of the United States (.'ode shall not appl}^ to.any individual appointed Chief Medical Director before January 1, 1964; liowever, section 59a of title 5 shall apply, iu accordance with its ternis, to any SIKOI individual. Approved May 8, 1963.
May 8, 1963 [H. R. 4549]
72 Stat. 1243. 28 Stat. 205. 47 Stat. 406.
Public Law 88-19 AN ACT Authorizing the Association of Universalist Women (a nonprotit corporation in the District of Columbia) to consolidate with the Alliance of Unitarian Women (a nonprofit coriM)rati(m in the State of Massachusetts).
May 15, 1963 [S. 1227]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Association universaiist, of LTniversalist Women, a corporation established and existing under unitarian wc^nen the laws of the District of Columbia by virtue of title 29, chapter 6, consolidation au"^-'-thorization. of the District of Columbia Code, 1961 edition, is hereby authorized 31 Stat. 1283D. C. Code to enter into a consolidation with the Alliance of Unitarian Women 601 to 29-606.29(formerly named National Alliance of Unitarian and Other Liberal Christian Women), a corporation established and existing under public statutes, chapter 115, of the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and Acts in amendment thereto, under which consolidation said corporation shall thereafter become and be one corporation under a name to be adopted at the organizational meeting of the consolidated corporation, which consolidated corporation shall be a corporation existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, only, and shall in all respects be a continuation of each of said existing corporations. SEC. 2. Upon such consolidation becoming effective, all property of Property transthe Association of Universalist Women, including all bequests, devises, fe«gifts, and transfers of any kind heretofore and hereafter made to or