Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 77.djvu/482

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[77 STAT. 450]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1963
[77 STAT. 450]


D.c. Code 45501.

PUBLIC LAW 88-218-DEC. 21, 1963

[77 STAT.

(c) ConclomiIlium project" means a real estate condominium project; a plan or project whereby five or more apartments, rooms, office spaces, or other units in existing or proposed buildings or structures are offered or proposed to be offered for sale. (d) "Co-owner means a person, persons, corporation, trust, or other legal entity, or any combination thereof, that owns a condominium unit within the building. (e) "Council of co-owners means the co-owners as defined in subsection (d) of this section, acting as a group in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the bylaws and declaration established thereunder; and a majority, as dehned in subsection (k) of this section, shall, except as otherwise provided in this Act, constitute a (quorum for the adoption of decisions. (f) "General common elements except as otherwise provided in the plat of condominium subdivision, means and includes— (1) the land on which the building stands in fee simple or leased provided that the leasehold interest of each unit is separable from the leasehold interests of the other units; {'2) the foundations, main walls, roofs, halls, columns, girders, beams, supports, corridors, fire escapes, lobbies, stairways, and entrance and exit or communication ways; (8) the basements, flat roofs, yards, and gardens except as otherwise provided or stipulated; (4) the premises for lodging of janitors or persons in charge of the building, except as otherwise provided or stipulated; (5) the compartments or installations of central services such as power, light, gas, cold and hot water, heating, central air conditioning or central refrigeration, swimming pools, reservoirs, water tanks and pumps, and the like; (6) the elevators, garbage and trash incinerators and, in general, all devices or installations existing for common use; and (7) all other elements of the building rationally of common use or necessary to its existence, upkeep, and safety. (g) "Limited common elements" means and includes those common elements which are agreed upon by all the co-ownere to be reserved for the use of a certain number of condominium units, such as special corridors, stairways, and elevators, sanitary services common to the apartments of a particular floor, and the like. (h) "Majority of co-owners", "two-thirds of the co-owners", and "three-fourths of the co-owners" mean, respectively, 51, 66%, and 75 per centum or more of the votes of the co-owners computed in accordance with their percentage interests as established under section 6 of this Act. (i) "Plat of condominium subdivision" means the plat of the surveyor of the District of Columbia establishing the condominium units, accessory units, general common elements, and limited common elements. (j) "Person" means a natural individual, corporation, trustee, or other legal entity or any combination thereof. (k) "Developer" means a person that undertakes to develop a real estate condominium project. (1) "Property" means and includes the lands whether leasehold, if separable as defined in (f)(1) of this section, or in fee simple, the building, all improvements and structures thereon, and all easements, rights, and appurtenances thereunto belonging. (m) "To record" means to record in accordance with the provisions of section 499 of the Act entitled "An Act to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia", approved March 3, 1901 (31 Stat. 1189, 1268).