77 STAT. ]
PUBLIC LAW 88-240-DEC. 23, 1963
(2) by striking out the period at the end of subparagraph (5) thereof and inserting in lieu thereof a semicolon and the word "and";and (3) by adding at the end thereof the following new subparagraph: "(6) transportation of mail, in passenger-carrying motor vehicles, by passenger common carriers by motor vehicle shall be procured as provided in section 6402a of this title.". SEC. 4. Section 4851)(e)(2) of title 39, United States Code, is amended by inseiting after the word "highway" the words "or development". Approved December 23, 1963.
74 Stat. 669; 76 Stat. 833.
Public Law 88-240 AN ACT To anieiid rnhlic Lsnv 15)3. Eighty-third Congress, relating to the C'orregidorBataaii Memorial Comniission.
December 23, 1963
[H. R. 7044]
Be '/f enacted by the Semite <tnd House of Reprei^entativeH of the United States of Amsriea m (•ongreaii a^S8e7nbled. That the Act entitled Corregidor"An Act to create a Commission to be known as the Corregidor-Bataan B a t a a n Memorial Commission. Memorial Commission" approved August 5, 1953 (67 Stat. 366), as amended, is amended by inserting immediately after subparagraph 69 Stat. 589; 71 Stat. 457. (h) the following new subparagraph: 36 USC 426. " (i) The plans for the memorial shall include the following: Twin flagpoles at a high point on Corregidor Island, illuminated at night, from which the nags of the United States of America and the Republic of the Philippines would fly; a suitable building, or buildings, for use as an auditorium and tourist center; and a contiguous battlefield park of appropriate size in which may be placed historical markers and mementos of the Pacific phase of World W a r II. For showing in the auditorium and in other appropriate places, the United States may participate in the preparation, in cooperation with the Philippine authorities, of a documentary film commemorating the story of Bataan and Corregidor, and other appropriate films of the Pacific phase of World W a r II. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated, to Appropriation. the Veterans' Administration, without fiscal year limitation, such sums of money, but not to exceed $1,500,000, as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this subparagraph (i). Nothing in this subparagraph (i) shall be considered to prevent the construction of such additional components as may be hereinafter authorized, or as may be provided for from public contributions." SEC. 2. The Corregidor-Bataan Memorial Commission shall cease to Expiration date. exist upon completion of the construction authorized by this Act, or on May 6, 1967, whichever shall first occur. Approved December 23, 1963.