Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 77.djvu/566

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[77 STAT. 534]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1963
[77 STAT. 534]


PUBLIC LAW 88-241-DEC. 23, 1963

[77 STAT.

(8) for making and comparing a transcript of record on appeal, 16 cents for each folio of one hundred words; (9) for comparing a transcript, copy of record, or other paper not made by the clerk with the original thereof, 5 cents for each folio of one hmidred words; (10) for administering oath of admission of attorneys to practice, $2 each; for certificate of admission to be furnished upon request, $2 additional; (11) for each marriage license, $2; (12) for each certified copy of marriage license and return, $1; (13) for each certified copy of application for marriage license, $1; (14) for registering clergymen's authorizations to perform marriages and issuing certificate, $1; (15) for each certificate of official character, including the seal, 60 cents; (16) for filing and recording each notice of mechanic's lien, $1; (17) for entering release of mechanic's lien, 60 cents for each order of lienor; 75 cents for each undertaking of lienee; (18) for recording physicians', optometrists', and midwives' licenses, 50 cents each; (19) for the clerks' attendance on the court while actually in session, $6 per day; (20) for all services rendered to the United States in cases in which the United States is a party of record, $5. § 15-707. Probate Court fees (a) The Eegister of Wills, clerk of the Probate Court, may demand and receive in advance, for services performed by him, the following fees: (1) for filing petition or caveat, 50 cents; (2) for filing other papers, each 5 cents; (3) for making docket and indexes and taxing costs in each case, $2.50; (4) for additional docket entries, each, 26 cents; (5) for issuing subpoena to witness and copies, each, 25 cents; (6) for issuing subpoena duces tecum, 50 cents; (7) for issuing summons, citation, commission, rule, warrant, notice of trial, process, execution, attachment, or writ, each$l; (8) for issuing notices to creditors, distributees, and legatees, each 50 cen^; (9) for copies of summons, citation, rule, warrant, or other process, order of publication, notice to creditors, legatees, and distributees, attested under seal and delivered for service or publication, each 50 cents; (10) for taking and recording every bond, $1.50; (11) for a probate of will, inventory, or account, $1; (12) for issuing letters testamentary or of administration, collection, or guardianship, $1; (13) for issuing certificate of appointment of executor, administrator, collector, or guardian, $1; (14) for entering panel of jury and swearing them, 50 cents; (15) for administering an oath or affirmation, 15 cents; (16) for passing a claim against an estate and entering in docket of claims, 30 cents;