404 74 Stat. 627.
PUBLIC LAW 88-426-AUG. 14, 1964
[78 STAT.
(g) I H subsection (c) of section 3519— (A) Change the catchline to read "POSTMASTER. (KP-25)"; (B) Delete "second class" in the first sentence of paragraph (1); and (C) Delete "annual receipts of approximately $16,000" in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approximately 380 revenue units annually". (7) In subsection (b) of section 3520— (A) Change the catchline to read "POSTMASTER. (KP-27)"; (B) Delete "first class" in the first sentence of paragraph (1); and (C) Delete "annual receipts of approximately $63,000" in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approximately 1,490 revenue units annually". (8) In subsection (b) of section 3521— (A) Change the catchline to read "POSTMASTER. (KP-29)"; (B) Delete "first class" appearing in the first sentence of paragraph (1); and (C) Delete "annual receipts of $129,000" in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approximately 3,060 revenue units annually". (9) In subsection (b) of section 3522— (A) Change the catchline to read "POSTMASTER. (KP-31)"; (B) Delete "first class" in the first sentence of paragraph (1); and (C) Delete "annual receipts of $314,000" in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approximately 7,450 revenue units annually". (10) In subsection (b) of section 3523— (A) Change the catchline to read "POSTMASTER. (KP-33)"; (B) Delete "first class" appearing in the first sentence of paragraph (1); and (C) Delete the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof: "This office has approximately 110 employees, approximately 14,350 revenue units annually, 13 government-owned vehicle units, one classified station and 42 carrier routes within its jurisdiction.". (11) In subsection (b) of section 3524— (A) Change the catchline to read "ASSISTANT POSTMASTER. ( K P - 3 5) "; and (B) Delete "annual receipts of $2,700,000" in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approximately 64,000 revenue units annually". (12) In subsection (c) of section 3524-— (A) Change the catchline to read "POSTMASTER. (KP-36)"; (B) Delete "first class" in the first sentence of paragraph (1); and (C) Delete "annual receipts of $1,000,000" in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approximately 23,700 revenue units annually". (13) I n subsection (a) of section 3525— (A) Change the catchline to read "ASSISTANT POSTMASTER. (KP-37)"; and