Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/1100

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[79 STAT. 1060]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 1060]


70 Stat. 960. 42 USC 277.

PUBLIC LAW 89-291-OCT. 22, 1965



"(2) the terms 'National Medical Libraries Assistance Advisory Board' and 'Board' mean the Board of Regents of the National Library of Medicine established under section 373(a) of this Act; "(3) the terms 'construction' and 'cost of construction', when used with reference to any medical library facility, include (A) the construction of new buildings, and the expansion, remodeling, and alteration of existing buildings, including architects' fees, but not including the cost of acquisition of land or off-site improvements, and (B) equipping new buildings and existing buildings (whether or not expanded, remodeled, or altered) for use as a library (including provision of automatic data processing equipment), but not with books, pamphlets, or related material; " (4) the term 'medical library' means a library related to the sciences related to health. ' N A T I O N A L MEDICAL LIBRARIES ASSISTANCE BOARD


Members, compensation.

Post, p. 1067. 42 USC 275280a.

"SEC. 392. (a) The Board of Regents of the National Library of Medicine established pursuant to section 373(a) shall, in addition to its functions prescribed under section 373, constitute and serve as the National Medical Libraries Assistance Advisory Board (hereinafter in this part referred to as the 'Board'). "(b) The Board shall— "(1) advise and assist the Surgeon General in the preparation of general regulations and with respect to policy matters arising in the administration of this part, and "(2) consider all applications for construction grants under this part and make to the Surgeon General such recommendations as it deems advisable with respect to (A) the approval of such applications, and (B) the amount which should be granted to each applicant whose application, in its opinion, should be approved. "(c) The Surgeon General is authorized to use the services of any member or members of the Board, in connection with matters related to the administration of this part, for such periods, in addition to conference periods, as he may determine. " (d) Appointed members of the Board who are not otherwise in the employ of the. United States, while attending conferences of the Board or otherwise serving at the request of the Surgeon General in connection with the administration of this part, shall be entitled to receive compensation, per diem in lieu of subsistence, and travel expenses in the same manner and under the same conditions as that prescribed under section 373(d), when attending conferences, traveling, or serving at the request of the Surgeon General in connection with the administration of part II which deals with the National Library of Medicine. a ASSISTANCE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITIES

construction grants.

eonditions for approval.

"SEC. 393. (a) In carrying out the purposes of section 390(b)(1), the Surgeon General may, upon application of any public or private nonprofit agency or institution, make grants to such agency or institution toward the cost of construction of any medical library facility to be constructed by such agency or institution. " (b) A grant under this section may be made only if the application therefor is recommended for approval by the Board and is approved by the Surgeon General upon his determination that— "(1) the application contains or is supported by reasonable assurances that (A) for not less than twenty years after completion of construction, the facility will be used as a medical library