Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/1158

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[79 STAT. 1118]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 1118]

PUBLIC LAW 89-301-OCT. 29, 1965


[79 STAT.


78 Stat. 4 11.

SEC. 8. (a) The fourth sentence of section 412 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended (22 U.S.C. 867), is amended to read as follows: "The per annum salaries of Foreign Service officers within each of the other classes shall be as follows: 'Class 1. Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7. Class 8.

$23,465 18,954 15,395 12,510 10,303 8,594 7,262 6,269

$24,284 19,612 16,929 12,945 10,661 8,889 7,506 6,476

$25,382 20,270 16,463 13,380 11,019 9,184 7,750 6,683

$20,928 16,997 13,815 11,377 9,479 7,994 6,890

$21,586 17,531 14,250 11,735 9,774 8,238 7,097

$22,244 18,065 14,686 12,093 10,069 8,482 7,304

$22,902 18,699 15,120 12,461 10,364 8,726 7,511"

(b) The second sentence of subsection (a) of section 415 of such Act (22 U.S.C. 870(a)) is amended to read as follows: " The per annum salaries of such staff officers and employees within each class shall be as follows: 'Class 1.. Class 2.. Class 3.. Class 4. Class 5.. Class 6.. Class 7Class 8Class 9.. Class 10

$15,395 $15,929 $16,463 $16,997 $17,531 $18,066 $18,599 $19,133 $19,667 12,610 12,946 13,380 13,816 14,250 14,685 15,120 16,655 15,990 10,303 10,661 11,019 11,377 11,736 12,093 12,461 12,809 13,167 8,594 8,889 9,184 9,774 10,069 10,364 10,659 10,954 9,479 7,749 8,013 8,277 8,641 8,806 9,069 9,333 9,697 9,861 6,998 7,231 7,464 7,697 7,930 8,163 8,396 8,629 8,862 6,428 6,640 6,862 7,064 7,276 7,488 7,700 7,912 8,124 5,688 6,880 6,072 6,264 6,456 6,648 6,840 7,032 7,224 5,190 6,361 5,632 6,703 5,874 6,046 6,216 6,387 6,658 4,641 4,797 4,963 5,109 5,265 5,421 5,577 6,733 6,889

$20,201 16,425 13,525 11,249 10,125 9,095 8,336 7,416 6,729 6,046"

(c) Foreign Service officers, Eeserve officers, and Foreign Service staff officers and employees who are entitled to receive basic compensation immediately prior to the effective date of this section at one of the rates provided by section 412 or 415 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946 shall receive basic compensation, on and after such effective date, at the rate of their class determined to be appropriate by the Secretary of State. SEVERANCE PAY Applicability,

52 Stat. 3 1.





SEC. 9. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, this section applies to each civilian officer or employee in or under— (1) the executive branch of the Government of the United States, including each corporation wholly owned or controlled by the United States; (2) the Library of Congress; (3) the Government Printing Office; (4) the General Accounting Office; or (5) the municipal government of the District of Columbia. This section also applies to persons employed by the county committees established pursuant to section 8(b) of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act (16 U.S.C. 590h(b)), and the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized and directed to prescribe and issue such regulations as may be necessary to provide a means of effecting the application and operations of the provisions of this section with respect to such persons. (b) This section does not apply to— (1) an officer or employee whose rate of basic compensation is fixed at a rate provided for one of the levels of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule or is in excess of the highest rate of grade 18 of the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended; (2) an officer or employee serving under an appointment with a definite time limitation, except one so appointed for full-time