Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/1247

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[79 STAT. 1207]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 1207]

79 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 89-321-NOV. 3, 1965


years 1965 through 1969 under which agreements would be entered into with producers as hereinafter provided for periods of not less than five nor more than ten years. No agreement shall be entered into under this section concerning land with respect to which the ownership has changed in the three-year period preceding the first year of the agreement period unless the new ownership was acquired by will or succession as a result of the death of the previous owner, or unless the new ownership was acquired prior to January 1, 1965, under other circumstances which the Secretary determines, and specifies by regulation, will give adequate assurance that such land was not acquired for the purpose of placing it in the program: Provided, That this provision shall not be construed to prohibit the continuation of an agreement by a new owner after an agreement has once been entered into under this section: Provided further, That the Secretary shall not require a person who has operated the land to be covered by an agreement under this section for as long as three years preceding the date of the agreement and who controls the land for the agreement period to own the land as a condition of eligibility for entering into the agreement." (b) The producer shall agree (1) to carry out on a specifically Land use. designated acreage of land on the farm regularly used in the production of crops (including crops, such as tame hay, alfalfa, and clovers, which do not require annual tillage and which have been planted within five years preceding the date of the agreement), hereinafter called "designated acreage", and maintain for the agreement period practices or uses which will conserve soil, water, or forest resources, or establish or protect or conserve open spaces, natural beauty, wildlife or recreational resources, or prevent air or water pollution, in such manner as the Secretary may prescribe (priority being given to the extent practicable to practices or uses which are most likely to result in permanent retirement to noncrop uses); (2) to maintain in conserving crops or uses or allow to remain idle throughout the agreement period the acreage normally devoted to such crops or uses; (3) not to harvest any crop from or graze the designated acreage during the agreement period, unless the Secretary, after certification by the Governor of the State in which such acreage is situated of the need for grazing or harvesting of such acreage, determines that it is necessary to permit grazing or harvesting in order to alleviate damage, hardship, or suffering caused by severe drought, flood, or other natural disaster, and consents to such grazing or harvesting subject to an appropriate reduction in the rate of payment; and (4) to such additional terms and conditions as the Secretary determines are desirable to effectuate the purposes of the program, including such measures as the Secretary may deem appropriate to keep the designated acreage free from erosion, insects, weeds, and rodents. Agreements entered into under which 1966 is the first year of the agreement period (A) shall require the producer to divert from production all of one or more crops designated by the Secretary; and (B) shall ndt provide for diversion from the production of upland cotton in any county in which the county committee by resolution determines, and requests of the Secretary, that there should not be such diversion in 1966. (c) Under such agreements the Secretary shall (1) bear such part Federal costs. of the average cost (including labor) for the county or area in which the farm is situated of establishing and maintaining authorized practices or uses on the designated acreage as the Secretary determines to be necessary to effectuate the purposes of the program, but not tb exceed the average rate for comparable practices or uses under the agricultural conservation program, and (2) make an annual adjust- Annual adjustment payment to the producer for the period of the agreement at ""^"^ payment.