Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/1664

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[79 STAT. 1624]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 1624]



Assassination, Kidnaping, Assault, Etc. of Page the President of United States, penalties 580 Assateague Island National iSeashore, Md.-Va., establishment 825 Atomic Energy Act of 1954: Amendment— Electric power produced by nuclear facilities, transmission, etc.; agency jurisdiction 551 Financial protection against claims, indemnity reduction 855, 856 Indemnity provisions, time extension 855, 856 Appropriation for effecting provisions. _ 1106 Atomic Energy Commission: Appropriation for 1106 Facilities construction, etc., appropriation authorization 120 Attorney General. See under Justice, Department of. Attorneys, United States: Appropriation for 626 South Carolina, District Court, appointment 952 Attorneys and Certified Public Accountants, qualifications for client representation before Federal agencies 1281 Auburn-Folsom South Unit, American River Division, Central Valley Project, Calif., construction 615 Australia, service court within United States, proclamation 1512 Automatic Data Processing Equipment, purchase, utilization, etc., by Government agencies 1127 Automobiles and Parts, excise tax reduction 136, 141 Automotive Products Trade Act of 1965.. 1016 Proclamation, implementation of 1513 Aviation War Risk Insurance Revolving Fund, appropriation for 629 Awards Board, Atomic Weapons Rewards Act of 1955, abolition, transfer of functions to Attorney General 1322 B Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, appropriation for effecting provisions 1169, 1177 Bankruptcy Act, Amendments, notices, combined mailing of 646 Banks and Banking: Export-Import Bank of Washington— Appropriation for 107, 1008 Communist countries, restriction on extension of credit to 1008 Report to Congress, modification 1312

Banks and Banking—Continued Page Farm Credit Act of 1933, amendment, production credit associations, financial structure 924 Federal Deposit Insurance Act, amendment, foreign government time deposits, interest rates , 244 Federal Farm Loan Act, amendments. Federal intermediate credit banks, financial structure 922 Federal Reserve Act, amendments— Foreign government time deposits, interest rates 244 Gold reserve against deposits in Federal Reserve banks 5 Land development loans; loan maturities, extension 465, 509 Federal savings and loan associations, investment of assets; loans on college housing, etc 465, 507 Gold reserve against deposits in Federal Reserve banks—, 5 Government checks, payment to financial organizations for credit to a persons account, authorization 582 Inter-American Development Bank Act, amendment. Fund for Special Operations, increased resources 23 International balance of payments, voluntary agreements 672 Baseball Week, National American Legion: Designation 548 Proclamation 1501 Bennett Place, Durham, N.C., commemoration 24 Proclamation 1484 Bill of Rights Day, proclamation 1453 Bismuth Alloys, disposal from national stockpile, congressional approval 1434 Black Hills National Forest, S. Dak., land transfer to Jewel Cave National Monument 971 Blind: American Printing House for the Blind, appropriation for 606 Books for, appropriation for _ 2 79 Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Amendments of 1965, special disability benefits 412 Reader services for handicapped individuals 1292 White Cane Safety Day— 1964, proclamation 1445 1965, proclamation 1510 Board of Examiners for the Foreign Service, abolition, transfer of functions to President of United States 1321 Board of the Foreign Service, abolition, transfer of functions to President of United States 1321