Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/1671

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[79 STAT. 1631]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 1631]



Congress—Continued Page Congress—Continued Page Reports to— Reports to—Continued Advisory Council on Social Security, General Services Administration, austatus of old-age, survivors, and tomatic data processing equipdisability, and health insurance ment inventory, etc 1127 programs 339 Government departments and agenAgriculture, Department of, farm cies, repeal or modification of parity income study 1210 certain reporting requirements. _ 1310 Air Force, Department of the, Wichealth, Education, and Welfare, Deita, Kans., settlement of aircraft partment of— crash claims 211 Elementary and Secondary EducaArmy, Department of the, flood contion Act of 1965 55 trol, navigation, etc 1073, Health care of aged, insurance pro1077, 1080, 1086, 1088, 1091, 1096 grams 332 Attorney General— Health consequences of smoking 283 Immigration and N ationality Act _ _ 914, National Technical Institute for the Deaf Act 126 915 International balance of payments, Housing and Home Finance Agency, voluntary agreements program, building codes, zoning laws, etc. review 673 study 474 Law Enforcement Assistance Act Interior, Department of the— of 1965 829 Anadromous fish and fish in Great Voting rights, Armed Forces, study. 445 Lakes waters 1125 Children's emotional illness, health Delaware Water Gap National study by grantees 360 Recreation Area 612 Commerce, Department of— National Advisory Council on InterHigh-speed ground transportation national Monetary and Financial program 895 Problems 519 Highway Beautification Act of National Commission on Archi1965, activities under 1033 tectural Barriers to RehabilitaHighway needs for the nation 578 tion of the Handicapped 1289 Public Works and Economic DeNational Commission on Food Marvelopment Act of 1965, activiketing, final report, time extenties under 559, 573 sion 111 State Technical Services Act of National Medical Review Com1965 683 mittee, health insurance for aged program, study 330 Correctional rehabilitation program, President of the United States— grantees 677 Automotive Products Trade Act of Defense, Department of— 1965 1018, 1025 Naval vessels, loan to friendly Budget and Economic Report, foreign nations 1215 transmission date 3 Voting rights. Armed Forces, study. 445 Communist countries, extension of Education, Office of. Cooperative Recredit to 1008 search Act 45 HemisFair 1968 Exposition, United Emergency Planning, Office of. Eel States participation 1027 River, Calif., flood control surHousing and urban development vey 132 functions and programs, orFather Marquette Tercentenary Comganization study 669 mission 792 International Coffee Agreement, Federal Hospital Insurance Trust 1962 113 Fund, Board of Trustees 300 Military assistance, sales agreeFederal Housing Administration, ments 657 mortgage insurance for land North Vietnam, assistance to coundevelopment 464 tries shipping military articles Federal Supplementary Medical Into, determination 1006 surance Trust Fund, Board of Uniformed Services, pay and allowTrustees 308 ances 546 Federal Trade Commission, cigarette Yarns, classification in Tariff Schedlabeling and advertising 283 ules, study 901