Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/1688

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[79 STAT. 1648]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 1648]




Hospitals: Page House of Representatives—Continued Page American Hospital of Paris, removal of Foreign Affairs, Committee on, report property limitation 901 by the President of the United States, economic assistance to ComCommunity M e n t a l Health Centers munist countries and countries aidAct, appropriation for effecting proing C u b a and North V i e t n a m.. 1004, 1005 visions 599, 602 Joint Commission on the Coinage, Construction activities, appropriation membership 258 for 95, 599 Majority and Minority Leaders, comDistrict of Columbia— pensation r a t e 1120 Freedmen's Hospital, appropriation for 606 Members, office space in home district, increased allowances 857 Saint Elizabeths Hospital, appropriation for 603 Office equipment, additional 517 Health Insurance for the Aged Act 290 Officers and employees, compensation M e n t a l R e t a r d a t i o n Facilities Construcrates, increase 1120 tion Act, appropriation for effecting Public Works, Committee on, report by provisions 599 the Department of the Army, civil House of Representatives. See also Conworks projects legislation. 1095 gress; Legislative Branch of the Science and Astronautics, Committee Government. on, report by the National AeroAgriculture, Committee on, reports by nautics and Space Administration, Agriculture, Department of— research funds 193, 194 Forest Service employees' property, Speaker— rental costs 991 Appointments by— Tobacco, acreage-poundage marketF a the r M a r q u e t t e Tercentenary ing program 72 Commission, members 791 Appropriation for 89, 97, 269, 1145 Joint Commission on the Coinage, Appropriations, Committee on, reports members 258 toJoint Committee on the OrganizaAtomic Energy Commission, transfer tion of the Congress, m e m b e r s. 1422 of funds1107 Select Commission on Western Attorney General, alien property Hemisphere Immigration, activities 626 members 920 Defense, Department of_- 869, 875, 877, 879 White House Conference on InterForeign assistance funds, use 1003 national Cooperation, congresForeign procurement 1004 sional delegation members 1430 President of the United States, ecoPresidential succession where Presinomic assistance to Communist dent is unable to discharge duties countries and countries aiding of his office, t r a n s m i t t a l of decCuba and North Vietnam__ 1004, 1005 laration to 1327 Armed Services, Committee on, reReports to — ports to — General Services Administration, Air Force, Department of the, conLyndon Baines Johnson Presstruction costs, etc 809 idential Archival Depository, Army, Department of the, construcUniversity of Texas 648 tion costs, etc 796 Military departments, contract awards 815 Defense, Department of, construction President of the United States— costs, etc 811, 814, 818 Military assistance to American Navy, Department of the, construcRepublics 658 tion costs, etc 803 United Arab Republic, aid to - _ 662 Banking and Currency, Committee on. Telephone and telegraph allowance, inJoint Commission on the Coinage, crease 544 membership 258 Thompson, T. A., payment to widow of. 1146 Brown, Clarence J., payment to children Transportation expenses, increase; l u m p of 1146 sum payment. ^ 583 Electrical or mechanical office equipTypewriters, additional electrical, aument, removal of certain limitathorization 968 tions 1302