Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/1693

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[79 STAT. 1653]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 1653]

SUBJECT INDEX Interior, Department of the — C o n t i n u e d Page Land conveyances—Continued Great Falls property, Va 981 University of Maryland campus, College Park, M d 889 L and Management, Bureau of, appropriation for--_ 84, 174, 1138 Lead and zinc stabilization program, extension; "small domestic producer", definition 925 Marine biological research laboratory. University of California, land reconveyance provision 1124 Migratory bird conservation account, appropriation for 184 Mineral resources, appropriation for 180 Mines, Bureau of, appropriation for 96, 181, 1138 National Advisory Council on Extension and Continuing Education, membership 1223 National P a r k Service— Appropriation for 85, 177 Concession policies; contracts, fees, etc 969 National Parks, Monuments, Seashores, E t c. See separate title. Oil and Gas, Office of, appropriation for. 182 Oregon and California grant lands, appropriation for 85, 174 Outdoor recreation. See separate title. Outdoor Recreation, Bureau of, appropriation for 85, 178 Pribilof Islands, appropriation for administration of 183 Public lands. See separate title. Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, special studies under 561 Reclamation, Bureau of, appropriation for 1100, 1148 Reclamation projects— Auburn-Folsom South Unit, American River division. Central Valley project, Calif., construction.. 615 Irrigation works, transfer of movable property 172 M a n n Creek Federal reclamation project, Idaho, increased appropriation, authorization 207 Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, N. Mex., payment for irrigation of Pueblo Indian lands 285 Missouri River Basin project, Garrison diversion unit, construction authorization 433 Outdoor recreation and fish and wildlife development within 213 Southern Nevada water project, Nev., construction 1068


Interior, Department of the—Continued Page Reclamation projects—Continued Upper Colorado River storage project, appropriation for 1102 Reporting requirements, certain, modification or elimination 1311, 1312 Saline Water, Office of— Appropriation for 86, 185, 1138 Conversion program, expansion and extension 509 Secretary, Office of the, appropriation for 185 Solicitor, Office of the, appropriation for 185 Solid Waste Disposal Act 997 Appropriation for effecting provisions. 1138, 1143 Southeastern Power Administration, appropriation for 1104 Southwestern Power Administration, appropriation for 1105 Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Bureau of, appropriation for 86, 96, 184, 1138 Territories, Office of, appropriation for. • 86, 179 Timber sales, road repair in Pacific northwest disaster area 131 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, appropriation for administration. - . 179 United States Park Police, overtime compensation, authorization 1013 Water Resources Council, m e m b e r s h i p. 245 W a t e r resources planning, appropriation for 1148 Water Resources Research, Office of, appropriation for 87, 185, 1138 W h i s k e y to w n - S has t a - T r i n i t y National Recreation Area, Calif., administration of 1295 Internal Revenue Codes. For sections affected see Tables 3 and 4 of amendments and repeals in "Laws Affected in Volume 79", preceding this Index. Internal Revenue Service, appropriation for 198 International A g r e e m e n t s: Convention for the Safety of Life a t Sea, London (1960), radio requirements to conform to 511 International Coffee Agreement, 1962, Presidential report to Congress on_ 113 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: Amendment of articles of agreement, authorization 519 United States funds available for use of_ 653 International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada, appropriation for 624