Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/1710

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[79 STAT. 1670]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 1670]




Proclamations—Continued Page Public Health Service: Page National Parkinson Week 1516 Air pollution, appropriation for control- 600, 1143 Authorization 1070 Appropriation for - - . 8 7, 88, 95, 101, 188, 205, National Poison Prevention Week, 1965_ 1470 596, 833, 1139, 1142 National Safe Boating Week, 1965 1485 Biologies standards, appropriation for__ 601 National School Lunch Week, 1965 1504 Buildings and facilities, appropriation P a n American D a y and P a n American for 597 Week, 1965 1476 Chronic diseases and health of the aged, Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 1965_ 1491 appropriation for 597, 833, 1142 Professional Photography Week 1483 Commissioned officers— Authorization 25 Retired pay, appropriation for 603 Red Cross Month, 1965 1471 Transfer to Federal Water Pollution Regulations for Preventing Collisions a t Control Administration 904 Sea, 1960 1454 Communicable disease activities, apSave Your Vision Week, 1965 1475 propriation for 598, 833, 1142 See the United States through 1966___- 1508 Community health practice and research, Authorization ^_ . 910 appropriation for 598, 833, 1142 Senior Citizens Month, 1965 1487 Community Health Services Extension Service courts of friendly foreign forces Amendments of 1965 435 within United States, exercise of Community mental health centers, a p jurisdiction by Australia 1512 propriation for construction 602 Sir Winston Churchill D a y 1452 Dental services and resources, appropriaSmall Business Week, 1965 1482 tion for 598 Smithson Bicentennial Celebration 1499 Environmental engineering and sanitauthorization 518 tion, appropriation for 600, 1143 Thanksgiving Day, 1964 1449 Environmental health sciences, appropriation for 600 United Nations Day, 1965 1486 Foreign quarantine activities, approUnited States Coast Guard, 175th annipriation for 601, 1143 versary 1497 Health educational facilities, appropriauthorization 427 tion for construction 599 United States Secret Service Week 1494 Health Professions Educational AssistVeterans Day, 1965 1507 ance Amendments of 1965 1052 Water Conservation Month, authorizaHealth research facilities, appropriation tion 1217 for grants 603 White Cane Safety Day, 1964 1445 Health Research Facilities Amendments White Cane Safety Day, 1965 1510 of 1965 448 World Law D a y 1495 H e a r t Disease, Cancer, and Stroke World Trade Week, 1965 1481 Amendments of 1965 926 Wright Brothers Day, 1964 1450 Hospital and medical care, appropriation for 601 Professional Photography Week: Hospital construction activities, approDesignation; proclamation authorizapriation for 95, 599 tion 25 Indian health facilities, appropriation Proclamation 1483 for 87, 188 Public Buildings Act of 1959, appropriaInjury control, appropriation for 597 tion for effecting provisions 526 Medical Library Assistance Act of 1965- 1059 Public Buildings Purchase Contract Act National Advisory Council on Medical, of 1954, appropriation for effecting Dental, Optometric, and Pediatric provisions 528 Education, establishment 1054 Public Buildings Service: National Advisory Council on Regional Appropriation for 8^, 105, 526 Medical Programs, appointment - . 929 Construction of P o s t Office and United National Cancer Institute, appropriaStates Courts buildings, appropriation for 602, 833 tion for 527,528 National Center for Health Statistics, Government buildings, sidewalk repairs, appropriation for 603 etc., reimbursement to States 1304 National H e a r t Institute, appropriation Public Debt, Bureau of the, appropriation for 602, 833 for 197, 1152 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, appropriation for.-602 Public Debt Limit, temporary i n c r e a s e - 172