Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/521

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[79 STAT. 481]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 481]

79 STAT.]

PUBLIC LAW 89-117-AUGUST 10, 1965


area, expenses incurred by the city of Norfolk in constructing such center shall, to the extent otherwise eligible, be counted as a grant-inaid toward such project. (8) Expenses incurred in the construction of the Glenn Duncan Elementary School and the Fred W. Traner Junior High School in Keno, Nevada, shall not be deemed to be ineligible as a local grant-inaid in connection with the Northeast Urban Renewal Project (Nevada R-2) because of any change in the urban renewal plan for such project which is determined by the Housing and Home Finance Administrator to have resulted from the proposed location of a federally-aided highway within or adjacent to the urban renewal area in which such project v;as undertaken. For the purpose of computing the portion of the cost of such schools which may be allowed as a local grant-in-aid, the degree of benefit of the schools to such urban renewal area shall be based on the latest estimate of benefit submitted by the local public agency and accepted by the Administrator prior to such change in the urban renewal plan. (9) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 112(a) of the Hous75 169. ing Act of 1949, expenditures in the amount of $600,000 made by the 42 Stat. 1463. use Memorial Hospital of Michigan City Foundation, Incorporated, for the purchase of certain land and buildings on or about July 24, 1963, from Doctors Hospital Realty Corporation shall, if otherwise eligible, be counted as local grants-in-aid to the community center numbered 1 urban renewal project (Indiana R-46) in Michigan City, Indiana, in accordance with the remaining provisions of title I of that Act. (10) The provisions of section 113(c) of the Housing Act of 1949 ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ shall be applicable to the Hobo Jungle Urban Renewal Project in Texarkana, Arkansas (Arkansas R - 3). (11) Notwithstanding the date of commencement of construction of the Pulaski, Showalter, and Smedley Junior High Schools, and the William Penn and Stetser Elementary Schools in Chester, Pennsylvania, local expenditures made in connection with such schools shall, to the extent otherwise eligible, be counted as local grants-in-aid for federally-assisted urban renewal projects in Chester that will be served by such schools. (12) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, moneys heretofore expended by the University of Pennsylvania and Wilkes College for land (and related expenditures for demolition and relocation) included in the overall development plans proposed by such institutions and utilized, or to be utilized, in connection with new facilities of such institutions within one mile of urban renewal projects Pennsylvana 5-3 (University City) and Pennsylvania R-149 (Wright Street), respectively, shall, if otherwise eligible, be allowed as local grants-in-aid for such projects. (13) Notwithstanding the June, 1956, commencement of certain flood control work in Ottumwa, Iowa, local expenditures in connection with such flood control work shall, to the extent otherwise eligible, be counted as a local grant-in-aid to the Marina Gateway urban renewal project (Iowa R-12) in accordance with the provisions of Title I of theHousing Act of 1949. ^^\\ use uso(b)(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of title I of the Housing Act of 1949 and the United States Housing Act of 1937, the Housing ^ l'^^ f ^^^ and Home Finance Administrator and the Public Housing Commissioner are authorized and directed to consent to the transfer by the Housing Authority of the City of Macon, Georgia, to the Urban Renewal Department of the City of Macon, Georgia, of all property acquired by the Housing Authority for low-rent housing project numbered Georgia 7-8, on condition that (A) an amount which, together