Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/773

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[79 STAT. 733]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 733]

79 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 89-183-SEPT. 14, 1965

than $500, the additional property may be distributed pursuant to a new petition. In all other cases the additional property may not be distributed under this chapter. § 20-2107. Penalties for false affidavits and other violations Whoever makes a false affidavit under this chapter, or willfully violates an order of the Probate Court under this chapter, shall be fined not more than $500 for each offense. § 20-2108. Application of chapter This chapter applies to estates of persons dying after June 24, 1949; and where there is a conflict or inconsistency between this chapter and any other law, this chapter governs. CHAPTER 23-ESTATES OF ABSENTEES AND ABSCONDERS Sec.

20-2301. Petition for appointment of receiver, where absentees interested in property; United States attorney as party. 20-2302. Warrant to United States marshal; fees of marshal. 20-2303. Notice of hearing to absentee and interested parties. 20-2304. Time of hearing; publication and posting of notice. 20-2305. Appointment of receiver; bond; finding of date of disappearance. 20-2306. Transfer of property to receiver; schedule of property. 20-2307. Possession, by receiver, of additional property; collection of debts. 20-2308. Procedure where absentee left only debts due; appointment of receiver. 20-2309. Care, custody, sale of property. 20-2310. Support of absentee's wife and minor children. 20-2311. Receiver may adjust claims of or against estate. 20-2312. Compensation of receiver; interest of absentee in property to cease after fourteen years. 20-2313. Distribution after fourteen years as if absentee had died intestate. 20-2314. Time for distribution and accounting when receiver not appointed within thirteen years. 20-2315. Construction with other laws.

§ 20-2301. Petition for appointment of receiver, where absentees interested in property; United States attorney as party (a) If a person entitled to or having an interest in property in the District of Columbia has disappeared or absconded from the District of Columbia, and it is not known where he is, or if he, having a wife or minor child, dependent to any extent upon him for support, has disappeared or absconded without making sufficient provision for the support, and it is not known where he is, or if his whereabouts is known and he has been without the District of Columbia continuously for two years or longer, a person who would under the law of the District of Columbia be entitled to administer upon the estate of the absentee if he were deceased, or, if no one is known to be so entitled, any suitable person, or the wife, or someone in her or the minor's behalf, may file a petition, under oath, in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, stating: (1) the name, age, occupation, and last known residence or address of the absentee; (2) the date and circumstances of the disappearance or absconding; and (3) the names and residences of other persons, whether members of the absentee's family or otherwise, of whom inquiry may be made. The petition shall also contain a schedule of the property, real and personal, of the absentee, as far as known, within the District of Columbia, and pray that the property be taken possession of, and a receiver be appointed under this chapter.