Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/832

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[79 STAT. 792]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 792]


Report to President.

Personnel. 63 Stat. 954. 5 USC 1071 note.


Donations of money, property, etc.

Records of expenditures.

Report to Congress.

Surplus property, d i s p o s a l.

74 Stat. 661.

PUBLIC LAW 89-187-SEPT. 15, 1965

[79 STAT.

Marquette, who came to New France in 1666. I n conjunction with the development of such plans, the Commission shall investigate, in cooperation with the Secretary of the Interior, the desirability and suitability of establishing a permanent national monument or memorial to commemorate the historical events associated with the life of Father Jacques Marquette in the New World. The Secretary of the Interior shall submit a report of such investigation to the President for transmittal to the Congress, together with any recommendations which the President may deem appropriate. SEC. 3. The Commission may employ, without regard to the civil service laws or the Classification Act of 1949, such employees as may be necessary in carrying out its functions: Provided, That no employee whose position would be subject to the Classification Act of 1949, as amended, if said Act were applicable to such position, shall be paid a salary at a rate in excess of the rate payable under said Act for positions of equivalent difficulty or responsibility. Such rates of compensation msLj be adopted by the Commission as may be authorized by the Classification Act of 1949, as amended, as of the same date such rates are authorized for positions subject to said Act. The Commission shall make adequate provision for administrative review of any determination to dismiss any employee. SEC. 4. (a) The Commission is authorized to accept donations of money, property, or personal services; to cooperate with agencies of State and local governments; with patriotic and historical societies and with institutions of learning; and to call upon other Federal departments or agencies for their advice and assistance in carrying out the purposes of this joint resolution. The Commission, to such extent as it finds to be necessary, may procure supplies, services, and property and make contracts, and may exercise those powers that are necessary to enable it to carry out efficiently and in the public interest the purposes of this joint resolution. (b) Expenditures of the Commission shall be paid by the executive officer of the Commission, who shall keep complete records of such expenditures and who shall account for all funds received by the Commission. A report of the activities of the Commission, including an accounting of funds received and expended, shall be furnished by the Commission to the Congress within one year following the termination of the celebration as prescribed by this joint resolution. The Commission shall terminate upon submission of its report to the Congress, unless the investigation authorized in section 2 of this joint resolution is incomplete and the report thereon has not been submitted to the Congress. (c) Any property acquired by the Commission remaining upon termination of the celebration may be used by the Secretary of the Interior for purposes of the national park system or may be disposed of as surplus property. The net revenues, after payment of Commission expenses, derived from Commission activities, shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States. (d) Mail matter sent by the Commission as penalty mail or franked mail shall be accepted for mail subject to section 4156 of title 39, United States Code, as amended. Approved September 15, 1965.