Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/9

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PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965

LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS Public Law 89-35

89-36.-_ 89-37

89-38 --_ 89-39 89-40

89-41 - - -



89-44 — 89-45 —

89-46 —

89-47 —

89-48 —

89-49 —

89-50 —

89-51 — 89-52 —

IX Date

Textile Fiber Products Identification Act, amendment. AN ACT To amend the Textile Fiber Products Identification Act to permit the listing on labels of certain fibers constituting less than 5 per centum of a textile fiber product. _ National Technical Institute for the Deaf Act. AN ACT To provide for the establishment and operation of a National Technical Institute for the Deaf Armed Forces, appropriation authorization, 1966. AN ACT To authorize appropriations during fiscal year 1966 for procurement of aircraft, missiles, and naval vessels, and research, development, test, and evaluation, for the Armed Forces, and for other purposes Kure Beach, N.C. AN ACT For the relief of the town of Kure Beach, North Carolina Kaniksu National Forest, Idaho. AN ACT To extend the boundaries of the Kaniksu National Forest in the State of Idaho, and for other purposes Veterans, life insurance. AN ACT To establish the Veterans Reopened Insurance Fund in the Treasury and to authorize initial capital to operate insurance programs under title 38, United States Code, section 725 Pacific Northwest Disaster Relief Act of 1965. AN ACT To provide assistance to the States of California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, and Idaho for the reconstruction of areas damaged by recent floods and high waters Flood control projects. AN ACT Authorizing additional appropriations for prosecution of projects in certain comprehensive river basin plans for flood control, navigation, and other purposes Reorganization Act of 1949, extension. AN ACT To further amend the Reorganization Act of 1949, as amended, so that such Act will apply to reorganization plans transmitted to the Congress at any time before December 31, 1968 Excise Tax Reduction Act of 1966. AN ACT To reduce excise taxes, and for other purposes Retired Federal Employees Health Benefits Act, amendment. AN ACT To amend the Retired Federal Employees Health Benefits Act with respect to Government contribution for expenses incurred in the administration of such Act Gen. William F. McKee, appointment as F.A.A. Administrator. An ACT To authorize the President to appoint General William F. McKee (United States Air Force, retired) to the office of Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency Government Printing Office, allotment and advancement of pay. AN ACT To extend the Act of September 26, 1961, relating to allotment and assignment of pay, to cover the Government Printing Office, and for other purposes Irrigation works, movable property title. AN ACT To amend the Act of July 29, 1954, as amended, to permit transfer of title to movable property to agencies which assume operation and maintenance responsibility for project works serving municipal and industrial functions Public debt limit, temporary increase. AN ACT To provide, for the period beginning on July 1, 1965, and ending on June 30, 1966, a temporary increase in the public debt limit set forth in section 21 of the Second Liberty Bond Act Veterans, certain rights and benefits. AN ACT To amend section 2104 of title 38, United States Code, to extend the time for filing certain claims for mustering-out payments, and, effective July 1, 1966, to repeal chapter 43 of title 38 of the United States Code Reserve Officers' Training Corps. AN ACT To amend titles 10 and 37, United States Code, with respect to the Reserve Officers'Training Corps Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriation Act, 1966. AN ACT Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and related agencies for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1966, and for other purposes



5, 1965



8, 1965


June 11, 1965


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June 14, 1965—


June 14, 1965- .-.


June 17, 1965—


June 18, 1965


June 18, 1965


June 21, 1965


June 22, 1965


June 22, 1965


June 24, 1965


June 24, 1965


June 24, 1965


June 24, 1965_.-


June 28, 1965.--


June 28, 1965