Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/316

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304 CONVENTION WITH RUSSIA. 1824. ARTICLE THIRD. No embjpqh, It is moreover agreed, that, hereafter, there shall not be formed by menttobe __ the citizens of the United States, or under the authority of the said f°"'“°‘},l{,Y *3**,:, States, any establishment upon the Northwest Coast of America, nor in

7,2§,°0; 51 dg_' any of the islands adjacent, to the north of fifty four degrees and forty

grees 40 min- minutes of north latitude; and that, in the same manner, there shall be

f?0';j,’%&g;‘ none formed by Russian subjects, or under the authority of Russia,

um., j,mu,3c_ south of the same parallel. ARTICLE FOURTH. · Imeriorseasto It is, nevertheless, understood, that, during a term of ten years, b° free *,*;**0*** counting from the signature of the present convention, the ships of both

 r °°° powers, or which belong to their citizen  or subjects, respectively, may

reciprocally frequent, without any hindrance whatever, the interior seas, gulphs, harbours, and creeks, upon the coast mentioned in the preceding article, for the purpose of lishing and trading with the natives of the countr . y ARTICLE FIFTH. C,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,d,,, All spirituous liquors, tire-arms, other arms, powder, and munitions always to be of war of every kind, are always excepted from this same commerce

,1E°°P*°d from permitted by the preceding article, and the two powers engage, recipro-
  • °°°mm°l°°' cally, neither to sell, nor suifer them to be sold to the natives by their

respective citizens and subjects, nor by any person who may be under their authority. It is likewise stipulated that this restriction shall never aH'ord a pretext, nor be advanced, in any case, to authorize either search or detention of the vessels, seizure of the merchandize, or, in fine, any measures of constraint whatever towards the merchants or the crews who may carry on this commerce; the high contracting powers reciprocally reserving to themselves to determine upon the penalties to be incurred, and to.inliict the punishments in case of the contravention of this article, by their respective citizens or subjects. ARTICLE SIXTH. Rumcmom When this Convention shall have been duly ratified by the President Qg y,,,,,,,},,,,,!,,,; of the United States, with the advice and consent of the Senate on the in ten months. one part, and on the other by his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, the ratitications shall be exchanged at Washington in the space of ten months from the date below, or sooner, if possible. In faith whereof, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed this Convention, and thereto affixed the seals of their arms. Done at St. Petersburg, the gi April, of the year of Grace one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four. HENRY MIDDLETON, (r.. s. Le Comte CHARLES N ESSELRODE, 1.. s. PIERRE DE POLETICA, in. s.