Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/641

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INDEX. 629 Great Britain. [ Gym; 3,-5g4in_ zens of oech party residing in the domi- point in the forty.l·lfth degree of north nions of the other in ease of rupture, 128 latitude, to be referred to commissioners. Art. 27. Criminals to be delivered up to jus- Meeting und duties of the commissioners. tree, _- _ T ··-- 129 In cssé of disagreement of the commis- Art. 28. Limitation. The first ten articles sioners, reference to v. friendl power, 221 of the treaty to be permanent. '1`hetwellth Art. 7. Commissioners to Ex tlie boundary article limited to twelve years. Ratiiica- to the water communication between the tion, ··-·-- 129 Lakes Huron and Superior and the Lake Additional article. May 4, 1796, - 130 °£ th° W°9dS' In °“" °f di““€*`°°m°“l· T~=~¤~· ~¤~<= ¤··s¤~·¤¤d· · · - ¤¤¤ A.-*1.§f’“·}‘I.‘;“2t§’.I1*§ti~';;i?.€;‘£:..,,?; ·E·’Pl“M’”"!/ '”‘i°l'• ••·· 130 point a. secretsr , and employ surveyors. Explanatory article to be added to ihe treaty Compensation oty the commissioners. All qfamity, commerce and navigation, between grants of land prior to the commencement the United States and Great Britain. of the war falling within the dominious of March 15, 1798, ---. 131 the other party to be valid, . . 222 The commissioners under the fifth article re. A"?-_9· Uml·°d SWWB Put im md the WM' leased from psrticularizing the latitude and W*l·h qw Ir5d¤¤¤ m_b°S wd ¤¤¤0¤¤ ¤fl1>! longitude of me river intended by the se. Bw r¤§¤ii¤{·;¤<>¤ ¤€1¢¤r t§r¤¤¢y;h¤¤¤ to resyore C · , ______ 131 osucn rz es un ns ions e possessions mu _ _ they enjoyed or were entitled to in 1811, 22*2 0W06m10W b¢{1¤¤¢” UW Umtfd SWR! and Art. 10. Contracting parties shall use their GMM Bf1W"!- JHJIIIBIY 8, 1802. - 196 best endeavours to promote the entire abc. Article 1. '1`he sixth article of the treaty of l1¤0¤ of the Slave-trndc, _- - · 222 November 19, 1791, ante, page 116, ui- Art. 11: Treaty to be binding when ratiiies. nulled, with exceptions. United States tion is exchanged, 223 egreo to my $600.000 ¤!¤r|¤¤z. in ¤¤¤¤¤l A Convention to regulate Commerce beimm instalments of £200,000 each, . 196 g., jkyyjtoyics of g,, U,,;;,,; ,5;,,,,, and Art. 2. The fourth article of the treaty of g},,,,, qi Hg, B,-gl,,,,,,;,, Majcm/_ July 3. peace of 1783, relative to private debts, re- 1315, ,,,,,, 228 ¢¤»·.<¤*=¢·* ¤¤·* ¤·>¤¤¤¤¤d- - - - *97 Article 1 nm mn mm of mmm Art. Commissioners to execute the duties betwccil the Iigrriwrics 0% United Sum

§;‘;'§,t]?7;l?m by th° nb °m°l° °f$,°; and the British territories in Europe, 228

re. 4. ems;,.. of im. m Agni, lj; *;g’;;·c·;q,gg';;*;;;§;°;g¤,,g·;;g¤;; Decision of the Commissioners under the other foreign countries. Equslity of du. fourth article tj the Treaty of Ghent. hes on American and British vessels. November 24, 1814, - - · 250 Same duties on productions of eaclm coun- Moose Islnnd, &,c., to belong to the Ungtgg yay. gkiaality of duties undubounties, States, ---... raw ac son ie same. n rcourse wi _ Other islands belong to Great Britain, 251 the British West Indies and liar? girgeai- Declaration of the Commissioners under the E; :;_li2;0ma_ posicsmoim n°_a mic f"'""' “”i‘l° V, um T""?} 'J GL""' Art. 3. Vessels of United States may trade November 24, 1814. · - - 251 w Calcutta, ape., direct, in articles not en- Trwty between Hi, Britannia Majesty and tirely prohibited. Citirens of United States the United States of America. December mj tl; Ptyfziggicgh':;:_;g“d;3i;$;§°:;S3; 24, 1814, .---- 218 °° ° _,· Article 1. Firm and inviolu.ble_pea.ce. 'Ilerri. :;,;‘:;;iy°‘.§,g;;;¥; 3- gltlbgaggtbtg tory, dsc., to be restored, with exceptions. any on the coasting trade in the British Archives and records to be restored, 218 . . . . . Esst Indies. American vessels may touch Art. 2. Immediately on ratification, orders to for refreshment _ _ _ _ 229 be mlm ?° °n?i?s’ &'(;I' t° iusc. h?l§mBS£ Art. 4. Consuls to reside in the dominions of {J·e···j;·*—··>¤ ° mm ° up uw m I egg, euch party. How they may be punished. wm °?’ '```` Particular places excepted from the resi· Art. 3. Prisoners of wer to be restored, 219 230 A r 4 R r rin b as mbiishea "°“°° °*` C°"““lS· · · ·. · r l l 6 Hemel` uga Oulvi sy c { ti Ari- 5- This convention, when i-amiga, to bg° treaty ° . .' ‘ ° 6 ° .l° °p' obligatory for four years. Exchange of pomtment of commissioners. Meeting of mubcumms in Six months _ _ 230 the commissioners. In cases of disagree- _ _ _ ju , , Ch , ment of commissioners, reference to a. D¢¢l¤T0!{0Y¤ of IM {lf1g7m;'!! ¤J¢6‘!y 2 t_M‘g¢ friendly power, -·-- 219 *{A.#`“"'” 0** t “ _ Ic $”e"3'5f18;’5%’;;'i Art. 5. Commissioners to settle boundaries. UW? of"" C°"”°”i’°”*f U Il • ·» _ Meeting and proceedings of commission All vessels except those of the India ers. In case of difference to be referred Compnnxy excluded from upprcaching the to c friendly power, - - - 220 island o St. Helena, allowed for the future Art. 6. Doubts as to the boundary from a residence of'Nupoleon Buonapnrte, 231 ` 3 o