Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/647

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INDEX. 635 Netherlands. { N;g];"·lam{,_ Art. 14. Captains of prlvuteers to give secu· Art. 6. This treaty to continue ten years, und rity, -----. 40 further until twelve m0nt,hs’ notice of a. dc. Art. 15. Goods rescued from pirates to be re. sire to terminate it, - - - 5526 stored, - - - _ - · . 40 Art. 7. Ratihcatious to be exchanged in six Art. 16. In case of shnpwreck, relief to be months, - » · - - 526 afforded, - -... 42 Artl:l17. Vessels drivin in by stress of wcu· New Granada. t cr to be protectc - · - 42 . . Art,. 18. In case of har, nine months to be P°°mg,c°,:";;"t°°?' bdwyg ”'° U'“*fd St""' allowed to citizens residing in the other’s gt Wil mawahan It ° Repuuw °f N“° dominicans to selland transport their effects, A mm a' * °‘r° 6* 844·' 566 42 rticle 1. Transmission of the United St tes’ Art. 19. Citizens of neither party to take mail across the Isthmus of Pzmumo., :1566 commissions or letters of murquo fiom Art. 2. Postage on letters, &.c., that do not powers at war with the other, · · 44 cross the Isthmus, ·--- 566 Art. 20. Ves els coming on the coast, or on- Art. 3. Disposition of the mail after its arrival tering the ports of enther party, how to be Ariufunuma, · ..-- 566 treated, -.·--- 44 t. . Transmission of the m `l to Ch res Artf21. Consuls to be allowed in the ports A or Pogo Bello from Panama? 1- - a%86 0 either party, --·- 44 rt. 5. myment for transmission f the m il, Art. 22. Thi: treaty not to derogate from any 6 P 0 5l6S treaty wit France, - . · 44 Art. . ackets to can letters and pu rs Art. 23. The United Netherlands to aid the between the two ccungies without comgen- United States in forming treaties with the saticn, .- 568 Bnrbary powers, --.- 44 Art. 7. United States" packets to carry letters, Arg. What goods shall be deemed contzné Silo., for one part of New Granada, withoéxé on , --··.. c argc, --...- 5 Art. gegulaitious respecting passportsi;16 Art. 8. Duties on coals used for United State; Art. . ow sxips are to be treated w en steamers ----- 5 met by ships of war or privateers, · 48 Art. 9. Adwhmtages arising from this conven- Art. 27. Merchants and commanders ofves. tion to be considered as compensation for sels may take into their service seamen and the obligations, .·.- 568 others belon in to either nation, . 48 Art. 10. Convention to 0 into effect when g 3 E Art. 28. The affair of refraction to be regu- the rutifications are known to have been lated in all equity and justice by magis- made, .. 568 tmtes, .-·.-- 48 Art. 11. Duration of the convention, - 568 Art. 29. Ratification, ··-- 48 Convention between the States-General of the Ottoman P°"°‘ United Netherlands and the United States Ihaty with the Ottoman Porte. M:1y7, 1830, of America, eoécerning vessels rcoaptuing 408 0°t°b°r 8* 17 • ‘’ 5 Artful 1. Memh ts f th arties ut,as to Article 1. When vessels of either nation shall dhtles, on the zotino ofethe mos? favored Z be recaptured, how they shall be restore? nation, ·--·-· 408 5 A t. 2. C nsuls, -... . 408 Art. 2. When they shall belong to the capt?6 Ahh. 3. Ehnployment of brokers. Visit of American vessels, --·- 408 Art. 3. When recapturcd by vessels of wm`. Art. 4. Settlement of disputes between the they shall be yestored, - _ . . 52 subjects und citizens of the parties, 409 Art. 4. Restitutwn to be made m reusonabl; Art. 5. The United States’ dug to be respecttime -. 5 ed- ttobel ttooth s, . - 409 Art. 5.,Vessels of war and privawers to be Art. 6.n\$essels oitulvur slmarexhibit towards admitted with their prizes into the porfs gg each other courteous conduct, and the 3:3; both notions, ---- - t wards merchant vessels, · - Art. 6. Each nation may make regulation; Art?']. Vessels of the United States shall have 5 the privilege to pass the Dardanellcs, 409 Treaty with the King of the Netherlands. Arflhicgggscls °f claim. Witty ihuu ?0t4(l;; ·l¤¤¤¤\'y 19, 1839. · - · · 524 Am; Wmhks. Exchange of ratiiicnticns Article I. Duties on goods imported nr ex. 409 ported. Bounties granted by either party to its own vessels, to be granted to vessg: Peru. of the other ---· 5 . . . ’ · General Grmventum of Peace, Fncudahsp, Ad" 2' Tqnlmgc dunes" &'°"° 5?4 Commerce, and Navigation, between the Art. 3. Pnvxlcges of cousuls, - - 524 U I d St d I P B Z. . C, Art. 4. What shall be considered national m e . am an wg mb ° mlm m` vessels 526 federatwn. November 13, 1839. - 487 Art. 5. Assistance to shipwrccked vessels, 526 Article 1. Firm and inviolable peace, · 488