Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/709

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GENERAL INDEX. 53 District of Columbia, (continued.) Donly, John, allowance to, for carrying the fbes of notaries, iii. 417. H mail, vi. 345. cniégofiyuréylrudeiice to be prepared, ui. Donrparp, Gershom, increase of pension to, vi. ° 1 · · . hospital, v. 537. Donnelson, John, Heirs on authorized to enter marriages in, v. 498. land, vi. 313. appointment of inspectors, ii. 115. ——————-——-, and others, act of 1824, c. 142, on y one inspection required for all the dis- for relief of, extended, vi. 340, 486, 643. trict, ii. 195. Domwn, Patrick, appropriation for, ii. 647. inspection of flour in Alexandria county, Doogan, Gcor e, pension to, vi. 417. iv. 44. Doolittle, Haehalia, pension to, vi. 92. of tobacco in, iv. 519. Dooly, William, claim to be settled and paid, vi. arrest (civil) in, 272. exempts from, ii. 224 ; iii. 743; v. 679. Dorman, Gershom, pension allowed to, vi. 25. regulation of, v. 498, 629, 678. -——-———-, increase of pension to, vi. Districts, Collection. See Collection Districts, p. 114. 32. Domin, Lieutenant Thomas, appropriation to pay Districts, Judicial. See Judicial Districts, p. services of: iv. 725. 91. Dorr, Jose h H., penalties remitted to, vi. 143. Diteher, Robert, pension to, vi. 417. Dorselt, Oliver, pension to, vi. 728. Division of Opinion of judges in circuit courts, Dorsey, John E., satisfaction to be entered on provided for, i. 334 ; ii. 159. judgments against, vi. 363. Dix,£;in A., to be paid for extra services, vi. S., regret of congress for loss of, . u. . Dlxoyiilolm, to be paid for n. lost certificate, vi. —j, gfhua, to be discharged from prison, . V1. o. ._..-, entitled to bounty land and extra Douihgrty, John, claims ot] to be adjusted, vi. a. , vi. 781.. -3-,"JosepIi, allowance to for land damages, —-—;5T-——·, authorized to enter land, vi. vi. 404. . --—, Thzgmgs, and Company, penalty remitted ihfargaret, prize money to be paid to, to, vi. 4 . vi. . Doake, William, preemption right allowed to, Douglas, Daniel, and others, fishing bounty v.l— vi. 270. lowed to, vi. 324. Dobbins, Daniel, claim of, to be settled, vi. 170. Douglass, Thomas, appropriation for, iv. 628. Docks, ·—-——, Elisha, pension to, vi. 418. for public ships, establishment ofi i. 622; -————-, Hannah, seven years' halfipay to ii. 821. representatives of, vi. 590. See Dry Docks, p. 54. —-—-··——, Stephen P. W., excused from part of Documentary History of the Revolution, patent oath, vi. 773. appropriations for publishing, iv. 654, 689 ; Douty, Thomas, prize money to be paid to, vi. v. 265, 347, 641, 693. 359. distribution ofQ iv. 655. Dove, William, payment to, vi. 185. Dodd mul Barnard, duties to be refunded to, vi. Dow, Benjamin, pension to, vi. 543. 380. -————, Jesse E., payment to, vi. 703. --—·—, Daniel, pension to, vi. 139. -——————, to ho paid for services, vi. 754. Dodge, Andrew, claim of] for expenses, to be -—-—,Jonathan, pension to, vi. 653. I paid, vi. 623. -——-, Reuben, increase ofipeusionlto, VI. 76. —·—-—·, John, Heirs cj] grant of land to, ii. 101 ; Dowd, Benjamin B., pension to, vr. 727. vi. 43. Dmndnay, Samuel, pension to, vi. 67. Doherty, Henry, pension to, vi. 190. Downer, John, pension to, vi. 416. _ _ Dchrman, Arnold Henry, land patent to issue Dawygg, Captgig. John, claim oi} to be paid, rv. to, vi. 43. ; vn. . Y--.-----, annuities allowed to Downs, John, pension to, vi. 32, 178. widow and children oi vi. 193. ——-—-, William, authorized to enter lands, vi. -—--—-—--—-—-———, Hair: oj] land claim 313. _ confirmed to, vi. 573. Dax, Gerrit L., suit against, to be suspended, vi. --————-, Rachel, appropriations for, v. 484, 281. _ 595, 640. -—-—-—————-—, credit to be allowed to suretiea Dolan, Nancy, allowance to, for land lost, vi. oi vi. 439. _ 404. --—, Peter, and others, credit to be allowed on a Dole, Thomas, appropriation to pay, v. 776. judgment, vi. 439. _ Doliber, William B., and others, fishing bounty Dcxmtor, Peter, pension to, vi. 633. _ _ allowed to, vi. 582. Doyle, Edmund, grant of land to, m lieu of Doll, IIen·ry,`pension to, vi. 417. other land, vi. 341, Dolph, Charles, donation to the widow ofl vi. Dozetwiosephéig be paid for damages to prop- 167. er y, vi. . _ _ Domestic Goods, reimported free of duty, i. Drafts and Tare, allowance for, 1. 166, 6a].: 662, Drake, Gilbert, to be discharged from prison, Donelmm, Alexander, claim ot] to be settled, vi. G6. _ vi_ 536_ ---, JV`. P., allowance to, vi. 918. _ Donaldson, William, to be paid for services, vi. Draéggry Michael, land claim coniirmed to, vn 755. »