Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/762

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l06 GENERAL INDEX. Loans, (continued.) Louisiana, Territory of] (continued.) duties of commissioners of] transferred to government of, ii. 263, 322, 743. Bank of United Stzttes,iii. 360 ; repealed, district of Louisiana to be culled territory v. 8. of Louisiana, ii. 331. loan of twelve millions authorized in 1841, government of} ii. 331. v. 438. additional compensation to secretary oi] ir extension of time, v. 473. 450. form of certilicutes, v. 474, 581, 582. loan to pay for purchase of, ii. 245, 771. duties pledged for repayment ot, v. 474. laws extended t0, ii. 251. additional loan of five millions author- importations into, ii. 251. ized in 1842, v. 469. treaty of cession ofin 1803, viii. 200. sole ot} limited to par, v. 581. Louisiana, State cm to be for bonu. tide loan, v. 581. establishment ofi ii. 641. stock may be issued in lieu of treasury admission into the Union, ii. 701. notes, v. 614. limits of} enlarged, ii. 708. Lolulell, Ebenezer, to be paid for extra. labor, vi. provision for suits pending nt time of ad- 807. mission, ii. 743. ——-, John L., land title confirmed to, vi. 559. boundary line with Arkansas to be run, iv. Lockwood, Mit/aren, pension to, vi. 178, 416. 276. Logan, John, pension to, vi. 650. practice in district courts regulated, iv. -·-——, Patrick, pension to, vi. 123. 62. Lombus, Manuel, land claim confirmed to, vi. mode of selecting jurors in United States 501. courts, iv. 404. Long, James, pension to, vi. 416. interpreter provided for eastern district of, ——, Jolm, pension to, vi. 100. iv. 492; vi. 467. -—-———, increase of pension to, vi. 233. inhabitants authorized to enter back lands, ———-——, allowance to, for at horse lost, vi. 405. iv. 534. Longchnmp, I. P., debentures to be paid to, vi. for other provisions as to lunds in, see 187. Lands, Public, p. 94. Longitude, of Wasliington to be ascertained, iii. resolution respecting the good conduct of 648, 673. people of, in late wor, iii. 248. Longstreet, Gilbert, and another, claim ol] to be payment tc, for services of militia. in the settled, vi. 7l6. Seminole war, v. 542. Lo ez, Antonio, . notes of acts and decisions respectin , ii. ...1;-, mann Fnntnmi, l‘";" °l‘?"f,’;;““"“°d 2s:s,2ss, 701; aaa. 774; 1v.62. g -———, Jllurin., ol v1' ‘ Louisiana, grunt of lund to the governor of] vi Loomis, Erastus, account ofi to be settled, und 108. pay of second lieutenant of marines allowed --——, District aj} between the Hondo and him, vi. 159. Sabine Rivers, claim to lzmd in, confirmed, -——--, Gustavus, account of} to be settled, vi. vi. 382. 159, -—t, Township 7 of Range 12 in, author- ·—--, Jurius, prize money to be paid to, vi. ized to enter land, vi. 855. 778. —-——-, claims to land in, confirmed, vi. 682. -—·-—, Leonard, pension to, vi. 725. —---—-- Revenue Cutter, vi. 249. ··—-—, Lucy, payment to, vi. 565. -—-———, school lands in, to be sold and others ·-——·, Samuel, pension to, vi. 25. reserved, vi. 764, 776, 783. ——-—-·-————--, incrcnsc of pension to, vi. 101. Louisville and Portland Canal Company, sub· -·-—-, Waller, mul {mother, claims of, to be scription to stock in, iv. 162, 353. settled und paid, vi. 679 Louisville Savings Institution, deduction of in~ Looney, Jolm, increase of pension to, vi. 865. temst to, vi. 756. Lord, Ebenezer, pension to, vi. 364, 416. Love, Alcxaruler, land title confirmed to, vi. ·——, George, pension to, vi. 25. 444. -——-, Samuel, conditionally discharged from a ———-, George, to be paid for advances, vi. 332. judgment, vi. 891. Lovejoy, Joshua, pension to, vi. 23. ——-·—-—-—-, S., and others, fishing bounty -——--—-—--—-—-, increase of pension to, vi. 76. allowed to, vi. 606. Loveless, Mary, authorized to enter land, vi. Loring, Israel, drawback allowed to, vi. 22. 374. Lorrrune, Edwin, Representatives aj, and ot/ters, Lovely, Pereis, land reserved and payments proceeds of seizure to be paid to, vi. 464. mode to, vi. 465. Lott, Nicholas, pension to, vi. 75. Low, Cliristiuna., pension t0, vi. 864. Lotteries, ——, John, pension to, vi. 233. in the District of Columbia, ii. 726, 728; Lowe, James, allowance to, vi. 886. iv. 205. Lowell, William, pension to, vi. 23. snlc of tickets suppressed, v. 578. Lower, Hurtrrum, pension to, vi. 417. postmnstcrs not to act us ugents for, &.e., Lowman, Emory, pension to, vi. 178. iv. 238. Lowrey, John, increase of pension to, vi. 84. Loudcrman, Jo/m, pension to, vi. 310. Lowry, R. J., pension to, vi. 189. Louisiana., Territory of, Lubeelz, president to take possession ofQ ii. 245. duties on ships and goods of, iv. 2, 228; iii. former government continued, ii. 245. Appendix I. Soc Discrirninuting Duties, payment of officers, ii. 272. p. 49. divided into Orleans territory and Louis- treaties with, viii. 366, 386. See Hanseutit iuna district, ii. 283, 267. Republics, p. 80.