Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/767

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GENERAL INDEX. 111 Mary Francis, Schooner, bounty allowed to Matthews, William B., overpayment to be ro owners and crew of] vi. 918. funded to, vi. 465. --·-· and Frances, Ship, ease of, to be decided Mathiot, Ruth, pension to, vi. 900. by secretary of the treasury, vi. 104. Matson, Enoch, authorized to exchange A loca- ——-—-· Himnah, Schooner, fishing bounty nl- tion, vi. 770. lowed to owners, &c., oi] vi. 582. ———-, Riohardqullowaiice to, for moneys paid, ---—-- Sally, Schooner, fishing bounty al- Vi. 267. lowed to owners, &c., of; vi. 606. ———·—-——--——-, authorized to withdraw loca.- —-—-, Schooner, bounty allowed to owners, mas- tions, vi. 338. ter, and crew oi; vi. 631. Maurice, Theodore W., accounts to be settled, Jlaryland, vi. 674. acts of, passed April, 1783, and November, Maxwell, Dr. David H., claim of, to be settled 1768, respecting port wardens for Balti- and paid, vi. 711. more, assented to, i. 184. —-—-—, Hugh, pension to, vi. 24. acts of, passed in November, 1790, and De- -—-———, James. See John P. and Hugh Maxcember, 1791, authorizing a certain duty well, vi. 168. at Baltimore, assented to, i. 190, 243, —·~———-—-—, land warrant to issue to, vi. 464; ii. 18, 484; iii. 125, 665; iv. 254; 777. v. 215, 602. -1-, John P. and Hugh H., right of United uct of, passed December 27, 1793, respect- States to land released to, vi. 168. ing a. health officer, assented to, i. 393, ——·—, William, grant of land to, vi. 43. 425, 462, 546; ii. 103, 316. ——---—-——··-·, debentures to be paid to, vi. act of, authorizing two lotteries in Wash- 187. ington, carried into effect, ii. 728. i-·—-——~——-, pension to, vi. 189. act oi] passed December, 1831, respecting May, James, allowance to, for damages, vi. 266. the Chesapeake und Ohio Canal, assent- -——·———·, allowance to, for services as mured to, iv. 602; and see iv. 101. shsl, vi. 360. appropriation to repsy overpayment of, for ———·—-·——-, Heirs of, grant of land to, vi. 875. arms, ii. 823; iii. 653. ——, Samuel, allowance to, for property de. cloim of, for interest, to be audited and stroyed, vi. 518. paid, iv. 161. Mayfield, George, grant of land to, vi. 530, 839. Maryland Avenue, improvement of, v. 134. —-————-—-, pension to, vi. 838. Masi, F., and Company, payment to, for repairs -—--——-——-, allowed further time to enter on furniture in presidents house, v. 429. lend, vi. 885. Mason, dshbcl, land warrant to issue to, vi. 779. -—-—-, Micajah, pension to, vi. 417. ———-——, Cornelia, halfipension allowed to, vi. Mayflower, Schooner, bounty allowed to owners, 215. dec., of, vi. 641. ——-—, Josiah, and others, allowance to, for ex. Mayhew, Thaddeus, to be paid for property im penscs of suit, vi. 373. pressed, vi. 298. ———, Richworth, donation to, vi. 191. Maynard, John, pension to, vi. 24. Massachusetts Bible Society, drawback allowed ———-·——-——-, increase of pension to, vi. 69. to, vi. 162. Mayor and Corporation o{ New York, recon- Massachusetts, veyance of a tract of and to, vi. 263. not of, nssented to, i. 546. Mays, Elizabeth, pension to, vi. 408, 632. admission of s srt oi§ into the Union, ns Meacham, Simeon, pension to, vi. 6l1. the state of Nllaine, iii. 544. Mead, Joseph, pension to, vi. 609. apportionment of representatives in the ———-, Tillcy, pension to, vi. 24. 17th congress, iii. 555. Meade, Everard, account of, to be settled and claim oi on United States, iv. 428; v. 132, paid, vi. 602. 623. Means, Isaac, and others, to be puid for n vessel Massias, Abraham .9., judgments against, to be illegally condemned, vi. 671. paid, vi. 545. Mears, Samuel, Jr., pension to, vi. 100. Massingill, Thomas and James, claims oi] to be Measurcrs, appointment and duties, i. 642, &c. reconsidered, vi. 493. Measures, Standard, to be distributed, v. 133. Masters, Henry, authorized to enter lend, vi. Mebanc, John, and anothar,authori:ed to collect 580. taxes, vi. 293. Masterton and Smith, contract of, extended, vi. -—-——, John B., executors oi, authorized to 816. collect taxes, vi. 293, 311. Mastic, Benjamin, increase of pension to, vi. Mechanics Bank_ of Alexandria, charter, &c., 101. of; ii. 735; iii. 570, 726. Mathematics, Professors of; Mechanics' Lien, in the District of Columbia., rations of, v. 576. iv. 659. _ _ with whom to mess, v. 576. Mechanic Relief Society, Alexandria, Mather, Sarah P., submarine telescope of, to be incorporated, vi. 207. _ tested, v. 667. charter of, extended, vi. 825. _ Mathers, James, payment to, i. 105; vi. 38. Medawah-Kantoa Indians, treaty with, of July house rent allowed to, ii. 127. 15, 1830, v11. l Mathews, Beckford C., land warrant to issue to, Medical Society, Dzstrzct of Columbza, vi. 853. incorporated, vi. 221. I I Matthews, Eliza, and others, incorporated, as act of incorporation ofQ revived, vi. 741. Sisters of the Visitation, &c., vi. 383. Medical Department m thesdrmy, _ —-—-—, John, authorized to locate lends, vi. general acts regulating, 1799, ch. 27, 1 346. h 7*21; iii. 616; iv. 714.