Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/782

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126 GENERAL INDEX. Ogallala Indians, treaty of July 5, 1825, with, Onstirée), Frederick, uuthorized to enter land, vi. vii. 252. . ’. Ogden, Abraham, debentures to be- paid to, vi. Onus Prohandi, _ _ 187. on seizures, when on claimant, 1. 420, 678; ·—--, Edmund, land patent to issue to, vi. 886. iii. 242. _ _ ———-, Francis B., letters patent granted to, vi. on suits with india.ns, ni: 683. 614. h Opergigp, letters, iv. 109. bee Post- Ojlce, p ———-, Step en. nsion to vi. 67. · _ -———-, T/wma.; hi, to be pziid for wood, vi. 327. Opie, Le Roy, ucccunts ot',·to be settled, vi. 262. O’Hurra, James, Ezrecuturs of, land claims con- Orames, Joseph, land claim confirmed to, vi. firmed to, vi. 670. 499. -(3——-—-—-—-——, appropriation for, i. 501. Oraniigs, Geronimo, land claim confirmed to, vi. hio, 9. territory north-west of, establishment and Orcutl, David, increase of pension to, vi. 93. l government ol, i. 50, 285. Ord, James, claim oi, to be settled and paid, vi. territory south of, establishment and gov- 591. _ ernment of, i. 123, 285. Ordimtnce, of1787, for government of territo- Slato of ries, i. 51, note. establishment of ii. 173 225. Ordnance Department laws extended tg, ii. 201. established, ii. 732; repealed, iii. 205. district court iu, ii. 201, 202 ; v. 788. Sec additional deputy commissuries, iii. 75. District Courts, p. 50. employment of wheelwrights, laborers, &c., survey of boundaries of, ii. 741. in, ii. 732; iii. 115. assent of congress to act of, iv. 483. reorganization ot, in 1815, iii. 203. acts in relation to north boundary line of, continued1in force, $,299. iv. 596 628 ‘ v. 49 56. merged in mti lery iii. o. western houndary off ii. 59. reorganization ol, iii 1832, iv. 504 ; v. 258. public lands in. See Lands, Public, p. 94. increase of; authorized, v. 258. interest of United States in n certain road pay of ordnance storekeepers, v. 2593260,1 ceded to, v. 296. duties of in connection with arson s an payment to militia ot, vi. 777. nrmoribs, ii. 733; iii. 204; V. 512. authorized to sell land at Sciotosalt spring, to appoint superintendent of manufacture vi. 161. of cannon v. 513. grant of land in Upper Sandusky to com- Ordway, John, lzind warrant to be issued to, vi. missioners of Wyundot county, vi. 936. 65. Ohio Company of Associates, provisions respect- Ore, Major James, allowance to militia under, ing, i. 257; iii. 409; iv. 618; vi. 8. vi. 34. Ohio River, navigation of, to be improved, iv. -——-, James, lands released to, vi. 441. 32, und scc Navigation of Rivers, p. 120. Oregon, purchase of Greenhow’s History oi, v Ojedu., Marie, land claim confirmed to, vi. 722. 499. Orguin., Sterling and another to be paid for Oldenburg, discriminating duties repealed as to, work, vi. 296. ’ iii. 224 3 iv. 2 ; und see Appendix, vols. iii. Orleans Territory. See Louisiana, p. 106. and iv. establishment and regulation of ii. 283 322. Olds, Murcay, pension to, vi. 925. Ormond, William, pension to, vi. 26. , Olive and Vine, ucts to encourage the cultiva- Omar, Micltoel, pension to, vi. 26. tion of the, iii. 374, 667 ; iv. 444, 611; v. orphans’ Court. See District of Columbia, p. 154, 302. 51. Oliver, John. M., credit to be allowed to, and Orr, James, to be paid for schooner Telegraph, suit discontinued, vi. 705. vi. 235. --- William pension to vi. 26. —— Thomas land purchase confirmed to vi. I S I —-1-9?;—-,’ claim oi toibc settled and paid, 106. i vi. . Orton John, B. payment to, vi. 596. Olivier, Modern, and another, land claim con- Osageilndians: iirmed to, vi. 500. claims for losses by, to be·, vi. 408. Olmsted, Lewis, to be discharged from prison, provision for appointment of an agent for, vi. 185. west of Missouri and Arkansas, iv. 25. Olney, Stephen, entitled to benefit of Stat. 1828, treaty with, of November 10, 1808, vii. 107. c. 53, vi. 433. of September 12, 1815, vii. 133. Omaha Indians of September 25 1818 vii. 183. treaty of Jizly 15, 1830, with, vii. 328. of August 31, 1822, vii. 222. treaty of October 15, 1836, with, vii. 524. of June 2, 1825, vii. 240. O'.N'cu.l, William, pension to, vi. 179. of August 10, 1825, vii. 268. —6——(;7—(;——, land patent to issue to, vi. 614. of January 11, 1839, vii. 576. noi ei n. irms Osborn Richard pension to, v`. 154. treaty of Dbcembcr 2, 1794, with, vii. 47. ·----: William: duties to belrefunded tc, vi. treaty ofJzmuz1ry 15, 1838, with, vii. 550. 544. treaty of February 3, 1838, with, vii. 566. Osborne, Noble, pre•!mption`right allowed to, vi Onondaga Indians, 270. treaty ofJ:muury 15, 1838, with, vii. 550. Osgood, Lcmuel II., accounts of, to be settled, for treaties with them as one of the “Six vi. 206. I Notions," see 8::: Nations, p. 157. Ostccn, William, authorized to exchange land (iiNet], Jn/in, pension to, vi. 577. vi, 853,