Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/787

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GENERAL INDEX. I3] Pensions, (continued.) pm_,g0,,,,·’ (c°,,t;m,,.d_) 427, 502 ;'1v. 4, 288, 550, 714; v. duty of marshal, clerk, and district attorney 180, 440, 021,731. to account, iii. 287, 288. of volunteers, 111. 73. clerk of, iv. 573. of- prwateersmen, iii. 103, 373, 427; Ck1KBOi; transferred to secretory of the navy, 1v. 4, 18, 71, 288. iv. 573. of volunteers, rangers, &c., iii. 285, loss of stock in Bunk of Columbia to be 394 ; v._'7. reimbursed to, iv. 715. of 1'8V0ll1i.l0HZl.l')’ soldiers and seamen, pension of person drawing from, to be paid v. 128, 187, 303, 311, 521, 584, 647, to the fund, ii. 650. · 650, 724. appropriation for deficiencies in, v. 440, 519, l1m1totion in not of 1838, ch. 189, cx- 667, 730. tended to March 4, 1844, v. 647; to duties of secretory of the navy transferred March 4, 1848, v. 680. to commissioner of pensions, v. 369. this extension to enure to pensioners Miscellaneous. by special acts, v. 680. pensions assumed by United States, i. 95, widows not to draw pensions for same 129, 218, 275; ii. 496. time that the husband has received assignments, &c., inva1Iid,i.2·-15; ii. 377; one, v. 657, 796. iii. 411; iv. 270, 530 ; v. 128, 303. payment of arrears of pensions, iii. 650; iv. certain persons to be placed on the pension 270, 530 ; v. 385. list, i. 392, 454 ; ii. 260, 491 ; v. 473. (3.) Evidence and Mode of Proof secretary of treasury to prepare a. list of under act of 1792, ch. 11, i. 244, 324. pensioners, i. 401, 495. 1793, ch. 17, i. 324, 418, 495. ‘ not uttachable, iv. 270, 530; v. 303. 1803, ch. 37, ii. 242. commissioner of pensions, iv. 622, 779 ; v. 1806, ch. 25, ii. 376. 187, 369, 597. 1818, ch. 19, iii. 410, 569, business transferred from navy department 782. to commissioner of pensions, v. 369. 1836, ch. 362, v. 127. unclaimed pensions, v. 225, 521. in navy, ii. 294. agents authorized to administer oaths, v. evidence under oct of 1838, ch. 189, v. 368. 303. for bounties in land, see Lands. proof to be mode every two years, iii. 514; annual report of applications for pensions, iv. 350, 599. iv. 439. under acts respecting revolutionary soldiers, relief of pensioners in South Carolina, ii. iv. 350. 260. (4.) Payment and Pension Agencies. the duties prescribed by acl. of 1832, ch. agent to receive pay must make oath, &.c., 126, transferred to secretary of war, iv. i. 245 ; ii. 243; v. 128, 303. G05. agent to pay must give bonds, ii. 719; iii. execution of act to transfer` the payment 597, 650. of certain pen ions to Ohio, ocnfided to under act of 1828, ch. 53, iv. 270. secretary of war, v. 669. under not of 1832, ch. 126, iv. 529. appropriations for, i. 95, 104, 227, 228, 327, in bank bills, v. 9. 344, 346, 439, 494, 509, 564, 741, 742 ; in navy, ii. 294. ii. 53, 65, G7, 109, 170, 188, 268, 320, where pensioner dies, v. 385. 388, 435, 465, 523, 561, 646, 690, 828, certificate of continuance of disability rc- 829 ; iii. 110, 210, 282, 422, 463, 481,560, quired, iii. 514. 563, 632, 634, 652, 748, 762; iv. 8, 15, 83, repeal of acts requiring Bunk of United 137, 147, 201, 247, 312, 354, 371, 433, States to pay, v. 16. 458, 497, 610, 672, 748; v. 9, 142, 214, the act “ to prevent defzmlcations " not to 316, 367, 412, 470, 598,610, 656, 667, 723, apply to pensioners, v. 31. 730. _ _ _ unclaimed pensions, v. 225, 521. Peoria County, Illinots, commissioners ol, aupension agencies, thorized to enter land, vi. 528. general provision, iii. 297. Peoria Indians, _ __ in Alabama, iv. 688 ; v. 254, 255. treaty of September 25, 1818, Ylltihyll. 181. in Tennessee, iii. 521; iv. 791; v. 60. treaty of October 27, 1832, vinth, vn. 403. at Pittsburg, iv. 184. Peoria Village, claims of land 111, regulated, in Ohio, v. 34, 657, 669. iii. 605, 786. _ in Virginia, v. 34. Pepper, James, land entry confirmed to, v1. in Kentucky, v. 657, 669. 924. _ where there is no pension agent to be paid Percival, John, to be pmd for moneys expended, at Washington, ii. 505. vi. 564. _ _ (5.) Navy and Privateer Pension Funds. Perez, Juan, land cilaim confirmed to, v1. 498. formation of, i. 716; ii. 53; iii. 287, 288. Parham, John, pension to, V1. 927. appropriations for, iv. 304 ; v. 519, 610. Perjrery, _ _ _ nmanagement ol, i. 716; ii. 53, 293 ; iv. m courts and surts, 1. 116.; 1v.118. 572, 615. in other cases generzrlly, 1v. 118. _ public faith pledged to make navy pension in c¤sc·s_under cousting and fishery acts, 1. fund good, i. 716 ; ii. 53. 316; lll. 52. _ _ surplus (if an y) how disposed ol, ii. 53. in cases of accounts of public cxpend1t.ure• secretory of commissions of, ii. 293. at treasury, m. 771.