Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/838

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182 GENERAL INDEX. Wrccks, duties’cl'¤onsuls as to, i. 255. Wyatt, Thomas, pension tu,_vi. 112. Wreok.s· on Florida. Coast, provided for, iv. 132, Wyman, Set}•,_pcnsion to, vi. _ 138, 292. -——~—-1-, more-asc of pc1;s1cn‘t0, vx. 68. Wren, Woodson, claim of, to be decided upon, Wynn, lggiam, right of preemption granted to, vi. 283. v1.. ———--—·-—·-, land claim confirmed to, vi. Y 459, 917. _ ' Wright, Abraham, land warrant. to issue to, vi. Yanatan Indums, _ __ 794. treaty of July 19, 1815}, with, vp. 128. ———-——, Francis, land warrant to issue to heirs June 22, 1825, with, vn. ot, vi. 329. October 15, 1836, with, vu. 524. ——-—-·, John, pension to, vi. 26, 233. October 21, 1237, with, vii. -—-—-——-———, continued in officc, vi. 1. Yandcz, Peter, to be pzud for u horse, vi. $21. —--———-——-, settlement of aqcount of, i. 98. Yantis, John, prcGmpt10rrr1ght·grantcd t0,1]1.563. ..—-— E., pension to, vi. Yard, James, further time for exportation of -—-—-—-, Nahum, pension to, vi. 24. merchandise allowed to, v1. 39. ——-, William H. D. C., account oi, to be set- Ymmzll, John J., accounts of, to be settled and tied, vi. 436. paid, vi. 186. _ —-——-——-1--——·——-, appropriation for, iv. Yates, Clugrles, Exeouwr of; interest allowed to, 739. 'vi. 44 . Wrightor, Jacob, increase of pension to, vi. 158. —-·, Jllillay, entitled to grant of land, vi. 769 Writs, Yazoo Land Claims, indemnification of holders of habeas corpus, i. 81, 82. 011 iii. 116, 192, 235, 294. muudnmus, i. 81. Year, Fiscal, established, v. 536. prohibition, i. 81. Yeans, Charles, Ezccutor qf, payment to be ne exeut and injunction, i. 334. mudo to, vi. 392. scite facias, i. 81 ; ii. 89. -——--·-—-—---·-—----——, interest allowed subpoena, i. 335 ; iv. 197. to, vi. 440. vcuire facias, i. 88. Ycamans, Martha, Widow of John, allowance provision respecting, in obsolete judiciary to, vi. 444. act of 1801, ii. 89. Yonge, William P., extra duty to be refunded fecs for service of', i. 276, 624. to, vi. 335. Sec Process, p. 141. York, Charles, released as surety of S. Holmes, in what district served, i. 83. vi. 840. in what districts to run in favor of United -—-, John, to he discharged from prison, vi. 57. States, i. 515. --, Sawney, payment to repre sentatives of, vi when to be served by marshal, i. 87. 738. when ndt, i. 87, 88. Young, Alexander, duties to be refunded to repof subpmna, i. 335. resentative of; vi. 359. regulations and forms uf, i. 93,123, 275, 276. -—-, Anna, seven ycnrs’ half-pay allowed to, how tested, i. 93, 123, 275, 276. vi. 110. Writ: of Error, ----, Harrison and Benjamin, and another, regulation of, i. 84, 85, 278, 404. land claim contirmed to, vi. 913. from district courts, i. 84, 85. ·-—-, James, grant of land to, vi. 613. from circuit courts, i. 84, 85. -·--———-—-·, and claim confirmed to heirs 01. from state courts, i. 84 ; iii. 244, 245. vi. 890. when u. suporsedoas, i. 85. ---·-, Jesse, pension to, vi. 154. limitation oi, i. 85. --—, John, increase of pension to, vi. 158. Wunder, George, pension to, vi. 416. ---—, Moses, to be paid for services, vi. 55. Ihtrtcrnbirrg, convention of April 10, 1844, -—-——-—-—, to be paid as secretary of legawith, for mutual xrbrogation of droit d’uu- tion, vi. 89. bajne and taxes on emigration, viii. SB8. --·---, William, claim of, to be settled und Wyrmrlnt County, Ohio, authorized to enter paid, vi. 172. l:tnd,`vi. 936. Yaunglovc, John, pension to, vi. 3. Wyandnts, Indians, trcnty of January 21, 1785, with, vii. 16. January 9, 1785), with, vii. 28. Z_ August 3, 1795, with, vii. 49. August 7, 1803, with, vii. 77. Zane, Ebenezer, grant of land to, vi. 27. July 4, 1805, with, vii. 87. —-, Isaac, grant of lands tn, vi. 46. November 17, 1807, with, vii. 105. Zachary, James WT, rclcnsed from a judgment, November 25, 1808, with, vii. 112. vi. 510. July 22, 1814, with, vii. 118. Zzmtzinger, William P., crcditullowad to, vi.535. September 8, 1815, with, vii. 131. -...----————, allowance to, for stores September 29, 1817, with, vii. 160. lost, vi. 605. SPP16X1lb0I' .17, 1818, with, Vii. 178. ·---—-———————, HJIOWQHQQ tg, for story, September 20, 1818, with, vii. 180. thrown overboard, vi. 933. January 19,1532, with, vii. 364. Zaabolrl, John, pension of, to be paid to his April 23, 1836, with, vii. 502. mother, vi. 204. March 17, 1842, with. vii. 607. Zimmerman, Jn.mI:, pension to, vi. 417. rescwmion of land tor, iv. 75.