Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 80 Part 1.djvu/1208

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[80 STAT. 1172]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1966
[80 STAT. 1172]


PUBLIC LAW 89-743-NOV. 2, 1966



School addition, Wilson Senior High School addition, SpingarnPhelps Stadium, Sharpe Health School addition, public school warehouse addition, Congress Heights Elementary School replacement, new elementary school in the vicinity of Nichols Avenue and Chesapeake Street Southwest, Eandle Highlands Elementary School addition. Northwest Sanitation Garage, and new cottages for low-grade residents at the District Training School; for conducting the following preliminary surveys: police training facilities, renovation of Dalecarlia Filter Plant, and ground improvements at the District of Columbia Village and Junior Village; erection of the following structures, including building improvement and alteration and the treatment of grounds: new Woodson Senior High School, new Johnson Junior High School, Nalle Elementary School addition, new elementary school in the vicinity of 11th and Kenyon Streets Northwest, Blow-Pierce Elementary Schools replacement, Blair-Ludlow-Taylor Elementary Schools replacement, Thomas Elementary School addition, new elementary school in the vicinity of Texas Avenue and B u m s Street Southeast, Seaton Elementary School replacement, Emery Elementary School replacement, Brent Elementary School replacement, new downtown library. Engine Company Number 15 replacement, shop building at the Cedar Knoll School, Shadd Elementary School addition, Garnet-Patterson Junior High School alterations, Randall Junior High School addition, Nichols Avenue Elementary School replacement, new elementary school in the vicinity of 7th and Webster Streets Northwest, Tyler Elementary School addition, and renovation of Dalecarlia filter plant; $114,000 for the purchase of equipment for new school buildings and $4,527,500 for the purposes of the National Capital Transportation Act of 1965; to remain available until expended, $66,958,000, of which $11,431,000 shall not become available for expenditure until July 1, 1967, $14,859,000 shall be payable from the highway fund, $2,635,000 shall be payable from the water fund, and $3,692,000 shall be payable from the sanitary sewage works fund, and $3,384,500 shall be available for construction services by the Director of Buildings and Grounds or by contract for architectural engineering services, as may be determined by the Commissioners, and the funds for the use of the Director of Buildings and Grounds shall be advanced to the appropriation account, "Construction services, Department of Buildings and Grounds". GENERAL PROVISIONS Vouchers.

Maximum amount.

Automobile allowances.

SEC. 2. Except as otherwise provided herein, all vouchers covering expenditures of appropriations contained in this Act shall be audited before payment by the designated certifying official and the vouchers as approved shall be paid by checks issued by the designated disburs ing official without countersignature. SEC. 3. Whenever in this Act an amount is specified within an appropriation for particular purposes or object of expenditure, such amount, unless otherwise specified, shall be considered as the maximum amount which may be expended for said purpose or object rather than an amount set apart exclusively therefor. SEC. 4. Appropriations in this Act shall be available, when authorized or approved by the Commissioners, for allowances for privately owned automobiles used for the performance of official duties at 8 cents per mile but not to exceed $25 a month for each automobile, unless otherwise therein specifically provided, except that one hun-