80 STAT. ]
PUBLIC LAW 89-554-SEPT. 6, 1966
Purpose. Definitions. Administrative Conference of the United States. Powers and duties of the Conference. Organization of the Conference. Appropriations.
SUBCHAPTER I—GENERAL PROVISIONS § 501. Advertising practice; restrictions An individual, firm, or corporation practicing before an agency of the United States may not use the name of a Member of either House of Congress or of an individual in the service of the United States in advertising the business. §502. Administrative practice; Reserves and National Guardsmen Membership in a reserve component of the armed forces or in the National Guard does not prevent an individual from practicing his civilian profession or occupation before, or in connection with, an agency of the United States. § 503. Witness fees and allowances (a) For the purpose of this section, "agency" has the meaning given it by section 5721 of this title. (b) A witness is entitled to the fees and allowances allowed by statute for witnesses in the courts of the United States when— (1) he is subpenaed under section 304(a) of this title; or (2) he is subpenaed to and appears at a hearing before an agency authorized by law to hold hearings and subpena witnesses to attend the hearings. SUBCHAPTER II—ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE §551. Definitions For the purpose of this subchapter— (1) "agency" means each authority of the Government of the United States, whether or not it is within or subject to review by another agency, but does not include— (A) the Congress; (B) the courts of the United States; (C) the governments of the territories or possessions of the United States; (D) the government of the District of Columbia; or except as to the requirements of section 552 of this title— (E) agencies composed of representatives of the parties or of representatives of organizations of the parties to the disputes determined by them; (F) courts martial and military commissions; (G) military authority exercised in the field in time of war or in occupied territory; or
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