Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 80 Part 1.djvu/457

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[80 STAT. 421]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1966
[80 STAT. 421]

80 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 89-554-SEPT. 6, 1966

ters and employment lists maintained by the Civil Service Commission, an Executive agency, or the government of the District of Colmnbia. (b) The Commission may declare a preference eligible who has been separated or furloughed without pay under section 7512 of this title to be entitled to the benefits of subsection (a) of this section. § 3316. Preference eligibles; reinstatement On request of an appointing authority, a preference eligible who has resigned or who has been dismissed or furloughed may be certified for, and appointed to, a position for which he is eligible in the competitive service, an Executive agency, or the government of the District of Columbia. § 3317. Competitive service; certification from registers (a) The Civil Service Commission shall certify enough names from the top of the appropriate register to permit a nominating or appointing authority who has requested a certificate of eligibles to consider at least three names for appointment to each vacancy in the competitive service. (b) When an appointing authority, for reasons considered sufficient by the Commission, has three times considered and passed over a preference eligible who was certified from a register, certification of the preference eligible for appointment may be discontinued. However, the preference eligible is entitled to advance notice of discontinuance of certification. § 3318. Competitive service; selection from certificates (a) The nominating or appointing authority shall select for appointment to each vacancy from the highest three eligibles available for appointment on the certificate furnished under section 3317(a) of this title, unless objection to one or more of the individuals certified is made to, and sustained by, the Civil Service Commission for proper and adequate reason under regulations prescribed by the Commission. (b) An appointing authority who passes over a preference eligible on a certificate and selects an individual who is not a preference eligible shall file written reasons with the Commission for passing over the preference eligible. The Commission shall make these reasons a part of the record of the preference eligible. The Commission may require the submission of more detailed information in support of the passing over of the preference eligible. The Commission shall determine the sufficiency or insufficiency of the reasons submitted and shall send its findings to the appointing authority. The appointing authority shall comply with the findings of the Commission. The preference eligible or his representative, on request, is entitled to a copy of— (1) the reasons submitted by the appointing authority; and (2) the findings of the Commission. (c) When three or more names of preference eligibles are on a reemployment list appropriate for the position to be filled, a nominating or appointing authority may appoint from a register of eligibles established after examination only an individual who qualifies as a preference eligible under section 2108(3)(B) - (F) of this title. § 3319. Competitive service; selection; members of family restriction (a) When two or more members of a family are employed in the competitive service, another member of the same family is not eligible for appointment in the competitive service.