Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 80 Part 1.djvu/72

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PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1966


PUBLIC LAW 89-367-MAR. 15, 1966

[80 STAT.

Public Law 89-367 March 15, 1966 —[H. R- 12889]

Armed Forces.

AN ACT rpQ authorize appropriations during the fiscal year 1966 for procurement of aircraft, missiles, naval vessels, tracked combat vehicles, research, development, test, evaluation, and military construction for the Armed Forces, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives United States of AmeHca in Congress assemhted^

of the


Toli!llion,\96i 79 Stat. 127.

TITLE I—PROCUREMENT SEC. 101. I n addition to the funds authorized to be appropriated under Public Law 89-37 there is hereby authorized to be appropriated during the fiscal year 1966 for the use of the Armed Forces of the United States for procurement of aircraft, missiles, naval vessels, and tracked combat vehicles in amounts as follows: AIECRAFT

For aircraft: for the Army, $825,600,000; for the Navy and the Marine Corps, $738,300,000; for the Air Force, $1,585,700,000. MISSILES

For missiles: for the Army, $64,000,000; for the Navy, $26,200,000; for the Marine Corps, $27,500,000; for the Air Force, $63,700,000. TRACKED COMBAT VEHICLES

For tracked combat vehicles: for the Amiy, $75,800,000; for the Marine Corps, $10,900,000. TITLE II—RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, TEST, AND EVALUATION SEC. 201. I n addition to the funds authorized to be appropriated under Public Law 89-37 there is hereby authorized to be appropriated during fiscal year 1966 for the use of the Armed Forces of the United States for research, development, test, and evaluation, as authorized by law, in amounts as follows: For the Army, $27,995,000; For the Navy (including the Marine Corps), $52,570,000; For the Air Force, $71,085,000. TITLE III—MILITARY CONSTRUCTION faJmtllTrr"* °^ SEC. 301. The Secretary of each military department may establish southeast Asia. or devclop military installations and facilities by acquiring, constructing, converting, rehabilitating, or installing permanent or temporary public works, including land acquisition, site preparation, appurtenances, utilities, and equipment, which are necessary in connection with military activities in southeast Asia, or in support of such activities, in the total amount as follows: Department of the Armv, $509,7(X),000; Department of the Navy, $304.300,000; and Department of the Air Force, $274,100,000. fa^iiuie^^.""'^ SEC. 302. The Secretary' of Defense may establish or develop installations and facilities which he determines to be vital to the security of the United States, and in connection therewith to acquire, construct,