Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 80 Part 2.djvu/38

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[80 STAT. 1632]
PRIVATE LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1966
[80 STAT. 1632]


PRIVATE LAW 89-259-JUNE 29, 1966

[80 STAT.

Private Law 89-259 June 29, 1966 [S.2307]

Harley G. Adams and other s.

AN ACT For the relief of certain civilian employees and former civilian employees of Region 1 of the Bureau of Reclamation.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) each of the following employees, former employees, and estates of deceased employees of Region 1 of the Bureau of Reclamation who received the overpayment of compensation liste^^ opposite his name for the period from August 6, 1950, through December 4, 1965, inclusive, or any portion or portions of such period, which overpayment resulted from administrative error, is hereby relieved of all liability to refund to the United States the amount of such overpayment: Columbia Basin Project, Washington Name Adams, Harley G Atlee, William E Avey, Clifford W Baumann, Florence I Bean, Jerome H Bishop, F a e C Carpenter, Doris N Carter, Helen L Click, Oliver L Cole, Charles B., J r Culp, Mary A Dennis, Willia n E Deurbrouck, F o b e r t L Dixon, Lloyd i: Drittenbass, Elorence A Dull, Leah K Eaton, Joseph L Edyvean, F r a n c e s G Ernest, J o h n L Farwell, R u i Fees, J o h n N Ferguson, Roy Fretwell, Lloyd G Garder, Ray R Gardner, Roy A German, Gilbert A Gilbert, For r e s t J Gimlin, Dorothy F Greenwood, W a l t e r P Guffey, Clifford W Hay, Bill N Howe, Oran J Indreland, R a s m u s E Kammeyer, W a l t e r R Kidston, George W King, Everett L Long, Cecil I Mackey, Robert W Mowery, Orville A Myers, Esther G Neilson, Vernal J O'Brien, H a r v e y P Oliver, Floyd E Osborn, Betty F P a r k e r, Margie E Paul, E d w a r d T Pearl, Dean D Pontsler, Dean S Pryor, Rick L Bobbins, E s the r Rohwein, Theodore P




Overpayment $35. 84 2, 093. 46 19.20 4.00 112. 53 3. 27 180. 89 508. 72 18. 40 28. 00 8.00 12.63 7.20 1, 521. 56 4.00 4. 00 693. 58 491.60 683. 57 102. 65 125. 01 19. 73 120. 00 5. 60 5.60 705. 60 41. 60 296. 87 1, 201. 29 24. 96 67.20 25. 84 6. 40 1,448.00 134. 40 41. 60 218. 40 6. 40 586. 50 129. 80 250. 48 237. 44 19. 20 8. 00 944. 92 284. 80 20. 00 654. 40 8.00 334. 47 6. 40