Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 81.djvu/824

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[81 STAT. 790]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[81 STAT. 790]


PUBLIC LAW 90-247-JAN. 2, 1968

[81 STAT.

tion 801 for any fiscal year shall be deemed to be a part of the amount allotted to it under subsection (a) for that year. " (d) The amounts made available under the first sentence of subsection (c) for any fiscal year shall remain available for grants during the next succeeding fiscal year. "USES OF FEDERAL FUNDS

8o^statr\2o^3. 20 USC 863.

"SEC. 303. (a) Funds appropriated pursuant to section 301 shall, except as provided in subsection (b), be available only for grants in accordance with applications approved pursuant to this title for— " (1) planning for and taking other steps leading to the development of programs or projects designed to provide supplementary educational activities and services described in paragraphs (2) and (3), including pilot projects designed to test the effectiveness of plans so developed; "(2) the establishment or expansion of exemplary and innovative educational programs (including dual-enrollment programs and the lease or construction of necessary facilities) for the purpose of stimulating the adoption of new educational programs (iucluding those described iu section 503(4) and special programs for handicapped children) in the schools of the State; and "(3) the establishment, maintenance, operation, and expansion of programs or projects, including the lease or construction of necessary facilities and the acquisition of necessary equipment, designed to enrich the programs of local elementary and secondary M i\ schools and to offer a diverse range of educational experience to. persons of varying talents and needs by providing, especially through new and improved approaches, supplementary educational services and activities, such as— " (A) comprehensive guidance and counseling, remedial instruction, and school health, physical education, recreation, psychological, social work, and other services designed to enable and encourage persons to enter, remain in, or reenter .; educational programs, including the provision of special eduV tr;['> cational programs and study areas during periods when schools are not regularly in session; " (B) comprehensive academic services and, where appropriate, vocational guidance and counseling, for continuing adult education; " (C) specialized instruction and equipment for students interested in studying advanced scientific subjects, foreign languages, and other academic subjects which are not taught in the local schools or which can be provided more effectively on a centralized basis, or for persons who are handicapped or of preschool age; " (D) making available modern educational equipment and specially qualified personnel, including artists and musicians, on a temporary basis for the benefit of children in public and 1: other nonprofit schools, organizations, and institutions; " (E) developing, producing, and transmitting radio and television programs for classroom and other educational use; " (F) in the case of any local educational agency which is making a reasona,ble tax effort but which is nevertheless unable to meet critical educational needs (including preschool education), because some or all of its schools are seriously ,., overcrowded, obsolete, or unsafe, initiating and carrying out ! programs or projects designed to meet those needs, particu-