Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/140

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PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968

PUBLIC LAW 90-290-APR. 19, 1968


[82 STAT.

Public Law 90-290 April 19, 1968 [H. R. 5799]

D.C Gifts to minors. 79 Stat. 744.

"Financial institution."


To amend the District of Columbia Uniform Gifts to Minors Act to provide that gifts to minors made under such Act may be deposited in savings and loan associations and related institutions, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the District of Columbia Uniform Gifts to Minors Act (chapter 3 of title 21 of the District of Columbia Code) is amended as follows: (1) Section 21-301 of such Act is amended— (A) by striking out "bank" in paragraph (3) and inserting "financial institution"; (B) by renumbering paragraphs (7) through (15) as (8) through (16), respectively; and (C) by inserting immediately after paragraph (6) the following: "(7) 'Financial institution' means— " (A) any bank, " (B) any homestead or building association, building and loan association, savings and loan association, or Federal savings and loan association, or " (C) any Federal credit union, having an office in the District of Columbia." (2) Section 21-302(a)(4) of such Act is amended (A) by striking out "bank" where such term first appears and inserting "financial institution"; and (B) by striking out "bank with trust powers" and inserting "trust company". (3) Sections 21-303(b), 21-304(g), and 21-306 of such Act are each amended by striking out "bank" and inserting "financial institution". Approved April 19, 1968. Public Law 90-291

April 19, 1968 [H.R. 11816]

Local law enforcement officersBenefits for injury or death while apprehending Federal violators. 80 Stat. 531. 5 USC 8101 et seq.


To provide compensation for law enforcement officers not employed by the United States killed or injured while apprehending persons suspected of committing Federal crimes, and for other purposes. Be It enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. (a) Chapter 81 of title 5 of the United States Code is amended by adding the following new subchapter at the end: "SUBCHAPTER III.—LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS NOT EMPLOYED BY THE UNITED STATES

    • §8191. Determination of eligibility

"The benefits of this subchapter are available as provided in this subchapter to eligible law enforcement officers (referred to in this subchapter as 'eligible officers') and their survivors. For the purposes of this Act, an eligible officer is any person who is determined by the Secretary of Labor in his discretion to have been on any given occasion— " (1) a law enforcement officer and to have been engaged on that occasion in the apprehension or attempted apprehension of any person—