Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/242

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[82 STAT. 200]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 200]


PUBLIC LAW 90-351-JUNE 19, 1968 -^

Federal grants, amounts.


[82 STAT.

(1) Public protection, including the development, demonstration, evaluation, implementation, and purchase of methods, devices, facilities, and equipment designed to improve and

  • strengthen law enforcement and reduce crime in public and

private places. •^ (2) The recruiting of law enforcement personnel and the training of personnel in law enforcement. ^ (^3) Public education relating to crime prevention and encouraging respect for law and order, including education programs in schools and programs to improve public understanding of and cooperation with law enforcement agencies. (4) Construction of buildings or other physical facilities which would fulfill or implement the purposes of this section. U(5) The organization, education, and training of special law enforcement units to combat organized crime, including the establishment and development of State organized crime prevention councils, the recruiting and training of special investigative and prosecuting personnel, and the development of systems for collecting, storing, and disseminating information relating to the control of organized crime. ^^ (6) The organization, education, and training of regular law enforcement officers, special law enforcement units, and law enforcement reserve units for the prevention, detection, and control of riots and other violent civil disorders, including the acquisition of riot control equipment. tX (7) The recruiting, organization, training and education of community service officers to serve with and assist local and State law enforcement agencies in the discharge of their duties through such activities as recruiting; improvement of police-community relations and grievance resolution mechanisms; community patrol activities; encouragement of neighborhood participation in crime prevention and public safety efforts; and other activities designed to improve police capabilities, public safety and the objectives of this section: Provided, That in no case shall a grant be made under this subcategory without the approval of the local government or _JjQcal law enforcement agency. (c) The amount of any Federal grant made under paragraph (5) or (6) of subsection (b) of this section may be up to 75 per centum of the cost of the program or project specified in the application for such grant. The amount of any grant made under paragraph (4) of subsection (b) of this section may be up to 50 per centum of the cost of the program or project specified in the application for such grant. The amount of any other grant made under this part may be up to 60 per centum of the cost of the program or project specified in the application for such graiifj Provided,^ That no part of any grant for the purpose of construcnon of buildings or other physical facilities shall be used for land acquisition. (d) Not more than one-third of any grant made under this part may be expended for the compensation of personnel. The amount of any such grant expended for the compensation of personnel shall not exceed the amount of State or local funds made available to increase such compensation. The limitations contained in this subsection shall not apply to the compensation of personnel for time engaged in conducting or undergoing training programs.

  • SEC. 302. Any State desiring to participate in the grant program

under this part shall establish a State planning agency as described in part B of this title and shall within six months after approval of a planning grant under part B submit to the Administration through