Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/904

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[82 STAT. 862]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 862]


Equal shares.

Limitation. Heirs of dec e a s e d enrollees.

Tax exemption. Filing deadline, etc.

PUBLIC LAW 90-509-SEPT. 21, 1968

[82 STAT.

the interest accrued thereon, using the interest fund first, $7,000, which shall be divided equally between the Cherokee Delawares and the Delaware Tribe of Indians of Western Oklahoma, and shall be available for claims expenses incurred b^ the duly authorized personnel of the two tribal groups, as set forth m their joint resolution numbered 4-68 adopted on September 9, 1967. SEC. 3. After the deduction of attornej^ fees and expenses, litigation expenses, all costs incident to the provisions of this Act, and to making the payments authorized by this Act, including the cost of roll preparation, which shall be paid by appropriate withdrawals from the judgment fund, the unexpended balance of the funds on deposit in the Treasury shall be distributed in equal shares to those persons whose names appear on the roll prepared in accordance with section 1 of this Act. No person shall be entitled to more than one per capita share of the funds. SEC. 4. The Secretary shall distribute a share payable to a living enrollee directly to such enrollee. The Secretary shall distribute the per capita share of a deceased enrollee to his heirs or legatees upon proof of desHh and inheritance satisfactory to the Secretary whose findings upon such proof shall be final and conclusive. Sums payable to enrollees or their heirs or legatees who are less than twenty-one years of age or who are under a legal disability shall be paid in accordance with such procedures as the Secretary detemiines will best protect their interests. SEC. 5. The funds distributed under the provisions of this Act shall not be sutgect to Federal or State income tax. SEC. 6. The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to prescribe rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this Act, including a deadline for filing enrollment applications. Approved September 21, 1968. Public Law 90-509

September21, 1968

[H.R. 14005]

Hot Springs, Ark. Property disposal, authorization. Condition.

AN ACT To authorize the disposition by the city of Hot Springs, Arkansas, of certain property heretofore conveyed to the city by the United States, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rejjresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, notwithstanding the provisions of section 2 of the Act of May 29, 1928 (45 Stat. 959), providing for a reversion to the United States under specified circumstances of the title to part of lot numbered 3 in block numbered 115 in the city of Hot Springs, Arkansas, the city of Hot Springs is hereby authorized to sell or otherwise dispose of said lot upon the condition that the proceeds received from such sale or other disposition shall be used to construct a fire station within the city limits. SEC. 2. The conditions in the patent issued by the United States on September 7, 1928, to the city of Hot Springs, Arkansas, pursuant to the Act of May 29, 1928 (45 Stat. 959), which provided for a reversion of title to the United States, are hereby released to the extent they are inconsistent with this Act. Approved September 21, 1968.